I have a form which has two option groups, and a command button;
form: Report1
OptionGroup1 OptionGroup2
[] Report_name1 [] PreView (current) Report
[] Report_name2 [] Print (current) Report
The user selects report1 or report2 and then chooses to view (or) print the selected report.
The command button executes the desired choices.
So far this works ok, but I need to use a parameter filter in Report_name1 (or underlying) query to filter report_name1 to show only the required [filtered] fields.
The question is; would it be best to use a combo-box or another option-group to filter the underlying query before the command button is activated? And where is the combo-box or option group best placed? (I.e. embedded in the report or on the report1 form or in the query)?
NB the field to be filtered is an id_field based on a lookup table below;
lookup_table: Xray_site_tbl
field1: Auto-id (#1, #2, #3)
field2: Anatomy_group_Desc (E.g. Head, Chest, Leg)
Any suggestions welcome!
I have a form which has two option groups, and a command button;
form: Report1
OptionGroup1 OptionGroup2
[] Report_name1 [] PreView (current) Report
[] Report_name2 [] Print (current) Report
The user selects report1 or report2 and then chooses to view (or) print the selected report.
The command button executes the desired choices.
So far this works ok, but I need to use a parameter filter in Report_name1 (or underlying) query to filter report_name1 to show only the required [filtered] fields.
The question is; would it be best to use a combo-box or another option-group to filter the underlying query before the command button is activated? And where is the combo-box or option group best placed? (I.e. embedded in the report or on the report1 form or in the query)?
NB the field to be filtered is an id_field based on a lookup table below;
lookup_table: Xray_site_tbl
field1: Auto-id (#1, #2, #3)
field2: Anatomy_group_Desc (E.g. Head, Chest, Leg)
Any suggestions welcome!