I'm pretty new at this so if you will just hang in there I will try to explain this as best as i can. I downloaded a password exe off the net someone else somehow decompiled it. I thought that I would see if I could make one for fun and use the code from the other one as a guide. well I have the form all made out but when i look at the code for the other it has option explicit in it and i looked at the MSDN library and all it said was what it was and that it was inside the module level. Whats the module level? How do I add that in or where? heres the code from the other one so that you can get an idea of what im doing
Option Explicit
Const mc001A = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,:;-*+=~|&!_$#@()[]{}<\/>"
Const mc001E = "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.try2hack.f2s.com/login-level6.html"[/URL]
Sub chkHidePwd_Click()
If chkHidePwd.Value = 0 Then
txtPassword.PasswordChar = ""
txtPassword.PasswordChar = "*"
End If
End Sub
Sub cmdLogin_Click()
Dim l003C As String
Dim l003E As Variant
If txtUsername <> Mid(mc001A, 56, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 28, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 35, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 3, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 44, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 11, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 13, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 21, 1) Then
MsgBox "Username not accepted."
Exit Sub
End If
If txtPassword <> Mid(mc001A, 51, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 31, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 30, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 51, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 16, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 45, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 24, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 29, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 26, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 19, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 28, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 11, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 30, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 19, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 25, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 24, 1) Then
MsgBox "Username/Password don't match."
MsgBox "User logged in !"
l003C$ = Left$(mc001E, 28) & Mid(mc001A, 22, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 67, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 15, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 67, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 32, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 67, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 15, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 67, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 22, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 67, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 7, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 63, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 18, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 30, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 23, 1) & Mid(mc001A, 22, 1)
MsgBox "For Windows NT / Windows 2000 users :" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & l003C$
l003E = Shell("start " & l003C$)
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_Load()
Me.Move (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub