Technical User
Hi all,
I recently purchased sight unseen a used Meridian One Option 11C from ebay. Knowing the perils of getting a system this way was offset by the fact it was equipped with 4 FALC cards which would allow me to provide dial tone and ringing to my collection of GPO Bakelite telephones. I had researched for some time a suitable PABX system and my ancient experience with the Meridian - I was at BT from 1980 to 1994 and I was selected as one of the first Meridian trained engineers, and worked at Nortel in Maidenhead and Galway back in the day.
This was many years ago, and I stopped working on M1 back in 1997, so my knowledge is very very rusty.
I was very lucky with my purchase, as it was complete with the 3 SDI port cable, all Krone cables, BT documentation, 2 PRI, DTS, 1 Digital LC, 4 FALC and a 11C SSC card. the default PSWD1 was the same as I remembered from BT, so I have successfully set it up in my garage and it works a treat. I can access LD2,10,11,15,17,20,95 etc.
Onto my question. I cannot access LD32, and therefore I can't start the process to 'out' the two PRI cards, which I don't need, to allow me to install the XCOT card which I purchased separately. I would like to connect my single home line to the system, and access external dial tone from the extensions.
Clearly my sign-in does not have the required permission to all the overlays, and my one attempt to sign in at PSWD2 level locked up the TTY0 for some time.
Are they any default PSWD2 that I might try - given this was a BT installed and would probably have the default sign-ins? My memory does not extend to possible PSWD2, as normally the PSWD1 had the ability to get into LD32.
If successful, I would like to grant full access to all overlays from the PSWD1 (0000).
I recently purchased sight unseen a used Meridian One Option 11C from ebay. Knowing the perils of getting a system this way was offset by the fact it was equipped with 4 FALC cards which would allow me to provide dial tone and ringing to my collection of GPO Bakelite telephones. I had researched for some time a suitable PABX system and my ancient experience with the Meridian - I was at BT from 1980 to 1994 and I was selected as one of the first Meridian trained engineers, and worked at Nortel in Maidenhead and Galway back in the day.
This was many years ago, and I stopped working on M1 back in 1997, so my knowledge is very very rusty.
I was very lucky with my purchase, as it was complete with the 3 SDI port cable, all Krone cables, BT documentation, 2 PRI, DTS, 1 Digital LC, 4 FALC and a 11C SSC card. the default PSWD1 was the same as I remembered from BT, so I have successfully set it up in my garage and it works a treat. I can access LD2,10,11,15,17,20,95 etc.
Onto my question. I cannot access LD32, and therefore I can't start the process to 'out' the two PRI cards, which I don't need, to allow me to install the XCOT card which I purchased separately. I would like to connect my single home line to the system, and access external dial tone from the extensions.
Clearly my sign-in does not have the required permission to all the overlays, and my one attempt to sign in at PSWD2 level locked up the TTY0 for some time.
Are they any default PSWD2 that I might try - given this was a BT installed and would probably have the default sign-ins? My memory does not extend to possible PSWD2, as normally the PSWD1 had the ability to get into LD32.
If successful, I would like to grant full access to all overlays from the PSWD1 (0000).