Similar thread798-1597962 but not quite the same.
Please note: I am not a PBX or Octel expert. Supporting these systems recently became my responsibilty and I am learning as I go. I did not even know what a PBX system was 5 months ago and have yet to receive training so please be gentle.
I recently turned on CPND on our PBX. Along with that, I added CPND's to most of our employee's DNs. For the TN types 2008 and 2616, I added CPNA and DNDA to the list of classes. Although our company has been using this PBX for many many many years, I "successfully" JUST turned on Call Party Name Display. The celebration didn't last long as I started to get complaints that "sometimes" when the receptionist transfers a call that doesn't get answered, instead of getting the destination voicemail, they get "Welcome to Octel Voice Messaging System..."
That's my problem...
After hours of troubleshooting with Bell and a few local professionals, I found no solution to the problem. Bell checked the settings on our Octel system and looked over the programming on the PBX. They suggested a soft reboot (with dumps) of the Octel system which, later, did not resolve the issue. Pat yourself on the back if you solve this one because Bell gave up at this point.
After testing, I could only recreate the error getting reception to transfer me to about 5-6 extensions. I triple-checked the programming of these 5-6 extensions comparing them to working extensions, finding no differences that popped-out except for the CPND's of each DN. I double-checked the Octel settings for those 5-6 mailboxes comparing them to working extensions: No differences besides the employees name. **By working extensions, I mean that when reception transfers a call to it, and no one answers, you are connected to that extension's mailbox and can leave a message.**
Let's say that Stephanie is away on vacation.
Scenario 1: Jack calls from home, gets reception, and asks for Steph Jones' extension. Reception transfers the call, Steph doesn't answer and after a few rings, Jack hears "Welcome the Octel Voice Messaging System..." Jack cannot leave a message and hangs up. Fail
Scenario 2: Reception calls Steph directly. Steph doesn't answer and after a few rings, reception hears "Welcome the Octel Voice Messaging System..." Fail
Scenario 3: John Smith from ext 316 calls Steph directly. Steph doesn't answer and after a few rings, John hears "Hi, this is Stephanie Jones. Please leave me a message..." Success
"Direct internal" and "direct external" calls work every time except when the call comes from reception (extension 0).
Further testing: I had reception call ext 445 (Jane Doe) and told Jane not to answer. The call went to Jane's VM as normal. I deleted Jane's mailbox in the Octel system and told reception to try again. Reception then got the "Welcome to the Octel Voice..." message. This tells me that the Octel system cannot transfer reception to the destination voicemail because it can't find one for that extension; but only when reception calls.
So I tried to work out in my head using random online pdfs and forums exactly how the Octel system routes calls to the correct voicemail. This led me to a breakthough which eventually only became a work-around.
Scenario 1: I go into LD 95 and outted the name (CPND) from DN 382 (Stephanie Jones). I got reception to try again and this time she hears "Hi, this is Stephanie Jones. Please leave me a message..." Success
Scenario 2: I go into LD 95, out the name from DN 382. I then create a new name for DN 382 and this time enter CPND: STEPH,JONES (instead of Stephanie). I get reception to try again and this time she hears "Hi, this is Stephanie Jones. Please leave me a message..." Success
I thought I fixed it until I reception called and said that now John Smith at ext 316 is getting the same problem. I tried changing his CPND to J,SMITH and it still didn't work. I tried many variations as well as changing the format from last,first. The only fix was to remove his name completely.
That's my work-around...
This leads me to believe many things yet not fully understand it enough to solve this.
Why does Steph,Jones work but not Stephanie,Jones? I tested long names, short names and it didn't seem to matter. I compared the name entered in the Octel system to the CPND in the PBX and there was no indication that they needed to match, or be left blank, or be a certain length.
If the Octel system looks at the extension of the destined mailbox, perhaps some programming got changed that broke the integration and now makes the Octel box randomly look to resolve the CPND instead of the DN?
Whatever information you need from me to dig up that can help you figure this one out, please let me know.
Thanks for reading.
Please note: I am not a PBX or Octel expert. Supporting these systems recently became my responsibilty and I am learning as I go. I did not even know what a PBX system was 5 months ago and have yet to receive training so please be gentle.
I recently turned on CPND on our PBX. Along with that, I added CPND's to most of our employee's DNs. For the TN types 2008 and 2616, I added CPNA and DNDA to the list of classes. Although our company has been using this PBX for many many many years, I "successfully" JUST turned on Call Party Name Display. The celebration didn't last long as I started to get complaints that "sometimes" when the receptionist transfers a call that doesn't get answered, instead of getting the destination voicemail, they get "Welcome to Octel Voice Messaging System..."
That's my problem...
After hours of troubleshooting with Bell and a few local professionals, I found no solution to the problem. Bell checked the settings on our Octel system and looked over the programming on the PBX. They suggested a soft reboot (with dumps) of the Octel system which, later, did not resolve the issue. Pat yourself on the back if you solve this one because Bell gave up at this point.
After testing, I could only recreate the error getting reception to transfer me to about 5-6 extensions. I triple-checked the programming of these 5-6 extensions comparing them to working extensions, finding no differences that popped-out except for the CPND's of each DN. I double-checked the Octel settings for those 5-6 mailboxes comparing them to working extensions: No differences besides the employees name. **By working extensions, I mean that when reception transfers a call to it, and no one answers, you are connected to that extension's mailbox and can leave a message.**
Let's say that Stephanie is away on vacation.
Scenario 1: Jack calls from home, gets reception, and asks for Steph Jones' extension. Reception transfers the call, Steph doesn't answer and after a few rings, Jack hears "Welcome the Octel Voice Messaging System..." Jack cannot leave a message and hangs up. Fail
Scenario 2: Reception calls Steph directly. Steph doesn't answer and after a few rings, reception hears "Welcome the Octel Voice Messaging System..." Fail
Scenario 3: John Smith from ext 316 calls Steph directly. Steph doesn't answer and after a few rings, John hears "Hi, this is Stephanie Jones. Please leave me a message..." Success
"Direct internal" and "direct external" calls work every time except when the call comes from reception (extension 0).
Further testing: I had reception call ext 445 (Jane Doe) and told Jane not to answer. The call went to Jane's VM as normal. I deleted Jane's mailbox in the Octel system and told reception to try again. Reception then got the "Welcome to the Octel Voice..." message. This tells me that the Octel system cannot transfer reception to the destination voicemail because it can't find one for that extension; but only when reception calls.
So I tried to work out in my head using random online pdfs and forums exactly how the Octel system routes calls to the correct voicemail. This led me to a breakthough which eventually only became a work-around.
Scenario 1: I go into LD 95 and outted the name (CPND) from DN 382 (Stephanie Jones). I got reception to try again and this time she hears "Hi, this is Stephanie Jones. Please leave me a message..." Success
Scenario 2: I go into LD 95, out the name from DN 382. I then create a new name for DN 382 and this time enter CPND: STEPH,JONES (instead of Stephanie). I get reception to try again and this time she hears "Hi, this is Stephanie Jones. Please leave me a message..." Success
I thought I fixed it until I reception called and said that now John Smith at ext 316 is getting the same problem. I tried changing his CPND to J,SMITH and it still didn't work. I tried many variations as well as changing the format from last,first. The only fix was to remove his name completely.
That's my work-around...
This leads me to believe many things yet not fully understand it enough to solve this.
Why does Steph,Jones work but not Stephanie,Jones? I tested long names, short names and it didn't seem to matter. I compared the name entered in the Octel system to the CPND in the PBX and there was no indication that they needed to match, or be left blank, or be a certain length.
If the Octel system looks at the extension of the destined mailbox, perhaps some programming got changed that broke the integration and now makes the Octel box randomly look to resolve the CPND instead of the DN?
Whatever information you need from me to dig up that can help you figure this one out, please let me know.
Thanks for reading.