I want to create a system based on Cognos products family that will deal with great amount of data: 100k-200k transactions/day. The problem is that customer wants to analyze at the same time multiple dimensions (we all say ok) but customer also requires EXCLUSIVITY of SUBSETS and SUBSET'S DYNAMICS. It means: fe. now they have 3 business partners: AA, BB, CC. So at present we have 3 sets and seven possible subsets for just 3 sets. Our customer is interested in finding such people/accounts who fe. at one day are part of one of seven possible subsets. The number of partners will grow - so they need SUBSET'S DYNAMICS. It may look relatively easy for 3 partners (just create dimensions with hardcoded AA, BB, CC, AA+BB, AA+BB ...and so on), but for 5 partners the number of possible combinations of subsets..... huh...and they also want to analyze it by products (there are hundreds products): fe. how many clients spent how much money on buying X and Y and who also bought Z at the same day, so all 3 conditions must happen. We checked that PP Advanced Subset - is not a solution.
Q: Is it possible in PowerPlay or any other tool from Cognos family to analyze such subsets at the same time: partners, products, time, geographic hierarchy, card types?
I know the answer is not easy. Can we do it with Cognos at all? Please keep in mind that it will have to meet exclusivity and dynamics of subsets requirements (multiplication, common part of different subsets like interesting for customers products from the same product hierarchy and other subsets like fe. gender, age, income level).
What do u think?
Q: Is it possible in PowerPlay or any other tool from Cognos family to analyze such subsets at the same time: partners, products, time, geographic hierarchy, card types?
I know the answer is not easy. Can we do it with Cognos at all? Please keep in mind that it will have to meet exclusivity and dynamics of subsets requirements (multiplication, common part of different subsets like interesting for customers products from the same product hierarchy and other subsets like fe. gender, age, income level).
What do u think?