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Opening another Database from Access

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Jan 11, 2002

Is it possible to open another Database from a Database? I have tried using the command DoCmd.OpenDatabase, but the option is not listed in the drop down box that appears. When i trie to look at it in Help. it had (DAO) after it, and it wouldn't let me view the help file for it. Do i need to have some osrt of additional object installed for me to use this, or is there another command that i can use?

I am using Access 2000.


Hi Muzz

Not sure what do you want to do ?

1. Use tables from another base ?
2. Use forms from another base ?

Let us know. I have some code that will enable you to connect to another base. If this is what you want let me have yuor email and I shall mail this to you
Are you trying to access another table or query held in another database, or to post data to it? Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do?
Hi hermanlaksko,

all i want to do is open another database, i don't need to use any tables from it, i just need to open the .MDB file


Hi Muzz
We really want to help you, but somehow you can not provide us with the explanetion to your problem.

My reply to your last query would be: go and double click on the mdb file ;-) But I am sure that this is not the problem/solution.

I will join Dave in saying and do what???.
Opening a database is stright forward (double click) but opening it and doing something with it is a whole new ball game.
Let us know and we will help - if we can.

All the best
I have a system, "Auto Importer System" That imports Excel files into a main database, called "Agency Admin" The "Auto Importer System" runs on a stand alone PC in the office and checks a folder on the HDD to see if there are any Excel files to import every 30 minutes.

It all works fine but the problem is that periodically i get an error saying "Not enough temporary disk space" I've no idea why it throws this error up as the HDD has plenty of room, there is plenty of RAM, and the system checks tell me that the RAM isn't all be used up, but it means that the "Auto Importer System" won't import any more files, and doesn't work properly.

I have found the way to get round this is to close the program, with a compact on close option enabled, then re-opening the database and carry on importing.

What i want to do is to have ANOTHER access program running along side the "Auto importer system" that checks if it is open, i will do this by telling the code to uncheck a box in a linked table which this new program will refer to as well, if the box is uncheked, i want the new program to re-open the "auto importer system" using this code:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.TimerInterval = 300000
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Timer()
If Me!Open = False Then
***code to re-open database***
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Do you understand now? if so, can you help with it? or does anyone now what the error message means, and how to get round it?

I'm completely baffled!


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