I've got a page with 3 frames in it like this
In frame A I have a load of links. Some of them I want just to change frame B but others I want to change frame B & C.
The 1st bit is easy but i can't do the 2nd bit with straight HTML (at least I can't think of a way) so I was wondering if anyone knew of a way you can do it in Javascript.
Thanks a lot
Mrs K Ford? There's an infinite number of monkeys outside wanting to talk to you about a script of Hamlet they've produced!!
I've got a page with 3 frames in it like this
| | |
| | |
| | B |
|A | |
| | |
| |___________|
In frame A I have a load of links. Some of them I want just to change frame B but others I want to change frame B & C.
The 1st bit is easy but i can't do the 2nd bit with straight HTML (at least I can't think of a way) so I was wondering if anyone knew of a way you can do it in Javascript.
Thanks a lot
Mrs K Ford? There's an infinite number of monkeys outside wanting to talk to you about a script of Hamlet they've produced!!