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Open Poll for all avaya certified techs 6

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Apr 3, 2009
Have you ever taken 2.5 hours for discovery plus 5 hours labor to do a 9-9.1 upgrade?

>Plus they billed us 2.5 hours for "discovery" when we got them all the ipo versions specs details, and even the server specs prior to install

Call me cynical but I'd still check that the information you gave me was correct (and it's not unreasonable to charge for it)

I'd ask myself though, "Would it have been less costly to do it "in house" or not?". Sometimes, getting gouged looks more attractive viewed though that prism.

Take Care

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
Call me cynical but I'd still check that the information you gave me was correct (and it's not unreasonable to charge for it)
So would I
But I doubt that it would take me 2.5 hrs to identify everything prior to an upgrade (not even a multi site SCN)

Do things on the cheap & it will cost you dear
One can argue back and forth if they over-charged or not, the bottom line is that you should have asked for a fixed price.
If you pay by the hour you risk ending up arguing over the invoice and in the end you'll probably pay and never hire them again if they don't wanna settle for something both parties can accept.

"Trying is the first step to failure..." - Homer
What do they mean by discovery? I've heard that term before but I am scratching my head trying to figure out what where they trying to discover? Plus I want to know because maybe I may want to start billing for discovery time too. Are they billing you discovery time at the same rate as regular labor?

If you've never been to site before you need to work out what's connected to what, what depends on what else, what versions is stuff on, is the site as the config would have you believe etc etc. I have walked in some places and it's taken half an hour to finally locate the system, people are often clueless as to what they have and where....that's discovery I guess :)

I usually go, discover and then when I negotiate the price I add the time to the total, but you are correct, specially on large organizations, people are clueless.

the company is ecomm technologies out of east hanover NJ. Since we are disputing the invoice, she now says she is going to bypass us and go direct to our client. Veer far away from them if anyone is considering using them as a subcontractor. This is easily the most unethical thing ive seen in my 10 years in the industry

this was the last set of emails from their "ceo"

You can do whatever you like. We are fully certified as a PLATINUM Avaya Partner and vouched for by Avaya. We are subcontractors for hundreds of Avaya partners across the U.S. and are very well known for over 31 yrs.
The invoice needs to get paid.
Susan Kolsby | Chief Executive Officer
11 Melanie Lane, Ste. 9, East Hanover, NJ 07936
(O) 973-503-5808 | (F) 973-929-5908
cid:image001.jpg@01D012F7.10ECC980cid:image002.jpg@01D012F7.10ECC980 cid:image006.png@01D00E1D.BB5BCB20 cid:image007.png@01D00E1D.BB5BCB20 cid:image007.jpg@01D00D4E.30E1F7F0

Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 10:16 AM
To: skolsby
Subject: Re:

And we also have the legal right to post these conversations on every avaya forum and review website on the planet so everyone can see how you do business. I also have the right to forward this to BNI to see if they believe what you are doing is ethical.

How do you sleep at night?

On Oct 5, 2016, at 10:06 AM, skolsby <> wrote:

Legally, we have a right to go directly to the customer for payment. If we do not receive payment within 7 days, we will be notifying the customer of non-payment. You may want to pass this on to your CFO.

Susan Kolsby | Chief Executive Officer
11 Melanie Lane, Ste. 9, East Hanover, NJ 07936

Considering how many platinum partners there are in US that doesn't say much.

"Trying is the first step to failure..." - Homer
Clearly since they are platinum then whatever they say or do is correct.

I searched for ecomm technologies avaya on google and on the very first page found a ripoff report for issues with a sales job. I won't go into detail but I laughed as I read it. Sounds like a great company!
I've worked with people all over, alot in NJ. Haven't worked with these guys, surprisingly.
Yeah, so they overcharged you. Not much you can really do about it. Sure you can fight it, try to get it reduced, but I'd just take the lump and pay for the service and find a better business partner.

I used to be an ACE. Now I'm just an Arse.
Talk with your customer, explain the dispute you have with this subcontractor.
The customer has no relation with them neither is your customer a party in this dispute.
Any lawyer can tell you that.
i know that, im not worried about it. I just wanted to give them the courtesy to do the right thing, but they continued to act like this for over a month now so i figured enough is enough. Dont want this to happen to someone else.

and @critchey are you referring to the review that says the ceo asks for "special favors" for promotions =) i saw that too

This reminds me of a job about 20 years ago that I subbed out in Atlanta. They quoted $75.00/hour to install a Merlin Legend with no voicemail and 20 or so phones. It was pre-programmed so all they had to do was cross-connects to the proper ports. They sent a bill for $10,500.00. Hahaha! They were only there for 6 hours on a single day visit. After some back and forth they agreed to take the proper $450.00 for the job. Ever since then I either get a firm bid from subs I have never worked with before or at least get a time estimate that they think it will take so I know if they are legit or not.
Fight it all the way, it will cost them much more to take your company to court so in the end they will come down on their price!
lol that is not even the one I saw. The one I saw said sales getting treated like crap and all accounts are given to CEO's "live in lover". This sounds like a class act company.
our cfo just decided to send a nice subtle "you clearly need the money more then we do"

its all good, this will cost them way more in the long run with the negative publicity

Tell your CFO that we are proud of him/her
Classy, way classier than trying to bolster your pocket with someone else's money.

Joe W.

FHandw, ACSS (SME)

"This is the end of the world, make sure to buy your T-shirt before it is too late"
Original expression of my daughter
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