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One-X mobile preffered Android VS I-Phone

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Sep 23, 2010
Now thanks to Bas and Peter I did manage to send the email with the correct credential details to the mobile devices.

But now I have the next issue.

Android is working fine, I-Phone keeps connection refused message.

Now I have changed the XMPP adress from to the FQDN (one-x-portal.customer.nl) and it seems that I-Phone is connecting fine. ( I'm not sure because the customer had to leave, so they k*cked me out the office.. :) )

But now when I want to try to connect with my android, the triangular keeps yellow, saying that the 'my buddy' is not online...

Next tuesday I have to go there agein, but like some information before I go there.

To bad I'm not able to login to the system at the moment, and I can only test using my Android. I don't own a I-Phone...

anyone has some ideas?

Tnx again...

HI Okkie26,

Are you using One-X on Windows, App Server, or UCM?

Also did you restart the One-X service after changing XMPP? Try logging into One-X page internally through browser, then you can see if MyBuddy is running as you should get the Avaya icon on the Directory>System tab, this is the MyBuddy link for webpage users, click on it and check you get a response, it will at least prove if there is a problem with MyBuddy or just the App communicating with MyBuddy.

Cheers Dave.
Today logged into the system with Bas1234.

Tried a lot of settings.. We're almost there but still not 100%

Bas, The XMPP service is running now (green) but still the APP triangular is yellow.

Also when I log in to the One-X portal as user the my buddy is grey...

My Buddy uses port 8086 (https)

These are the ports that should be open to the One-X server:
One X Portal 				
Port	Description			
4560	This port is used by log4j socket appender.			
5222	This port is used for XMPP client/server communication.			
5269	This port is used for server to server federation. This port federates with the External XMPP servers or XMPP enabled servers such as GTalk, Yahoo, and MSN.			
5269	This port is used for XMPP server to server federation. If the customer is not intending to federate with external XMPP servers then this port does not need to be opened on the firewall.			
8005	Used by the Tomcat shutdown listener.			
8080	Default HTTP browser access port. This port number can be changed during installation.			
8082	The database component of the one-X Portal for IP Office uses this port.			
8086	This port is used for HTTPS access to MyBuddy.			
8443	Used for HTTPS access to one-X Portal for IP Office (Only for Windows installation of the one-X Portal for IP Office). Also used for SSA for Basic Edition.			
8444	This port is used for initial communication between the mobility client (Android/iPhone) and the one-X Portal for IP Office. If customer is NOT using the mobility client or is only using it on the internal WiFi network, then this port does not need to be opened on the firewall.			
8666	This port is used by the JVMX component of the one-X Portal for IP Office. This port number can be changed during installation.			
9094	This port is used for OpenFire XML RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and administration console.			
9095	This port is used by the OpenFire admin console (https).			
8080-to- 8090	"To allow the one-X Call Assistant to communicate through a specific TCP port 
8069	This port is used for web socket based delivery. Open this port on the machine that runs the one-X Portal for IP Office.			
8080	Default HTTP browser access port. This port number can be changed during installation.			
8082	The database component of the one-X Portal for IP Office uses this port.			
9092	This port is used by the Database client listener.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

Now I'm having headache..

MyBuddy is only working when I set the XMPP address to or the IP address of the Onep-X portal server. But the the mobility app cannot connect.

Then, when I put the FQDN on the XMPP address the mobility app is connected, but not competely (yellow triangular)

The FQDN is reachable from the server, firewall is set on inbound and outbound on all given ports.

Sill no joy.. :(

Did you ever get a resolution to this? I've got a UCM that I can't get either iPhone or Android to fully connect. I just get the yellow triangle with "myBuddy not Online" message. I've tried all the tricks in these forums with no luck.

I've never had problems with an Application server or with one-x running in windows, but these UCM's always cause me grief...
At this moment we think that the FQDN is the problem. We're going to change this from one-x-portal.customer.nl to onex.customer.nl

I have running the mobility at our demo system using the UC module, and there it works fine, although we do not use this externally.

Is you logon to one-x portal as a user, in the top left corner, are both the status showing green?

I believe the FQDN needs to be in the hosts file on the one-X Portal server. Then you should be able to set the XMPP Domain Name on the Portal to the FQDN that is reachable from one-X Mobile client.

example etc/hosts: one-x-portal.customer.nl localhost.localdomain localhost
Okkie26, yes everything is green when logged in to the web portal. Just mobile app with the problem. I've tried all different combinations of local IP, external IP, FQDN, in the ip office configuration settings with no change.

I also looked in the hosts file and the FQDN is already in there.
I am having the same issue. has anyone come up a fix for this? flare and web browser work perfectly but the mobile client wont fully connect.
What is the FQDN of the one-x server.

Can you ping the server via the FQDN?

DNS setup?

Firewall setup correctly?
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