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One-X Mobile Implementation Issues

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Technical User
Jul 3, 2013
Hi ..

I have Implemented Avaya One-X Portal, the Application is running and now I can access from any PC and log on my user.
the Problem I have in Avaya 0ne-X Mobile, I installed the Avaya One-X Mobile preferred for IP Office from the Android Market and it connected and the status is Available, until now there is no problem.
the problem that i noted and need to solve it:
when the one-x mobile is operated, in the call facility i set it as a work phone, when i call my extension from any phone, just ring on my deskphone and on the avaya one-x portal user but on my one-x mobile not received any thing.
from one-x portal user when i accept the call there is no voice path between the called and calling party, when i call from my mobile to any extionsion or mobile, the same is happennig no voice established, another thing when i dial any number from one-x mobile the dialing is come from my extionsion number (deskphone).

Please can you advice me if How can I seperate from one-x mobile from deskphone but using the same extension number.
also why there is no voice path when call established ?

thank you for your support
Best Regards
Hi AvayaLove,

When you first log into the mobile app on your phone you need to set your 'location'.
There is an app that looks like a mobile phone with a circle underneath it, click that and set 'mobile' if you have your mobile number previously setup through one-x portal or select 'custom phone number' and enter your mobile number including any digits for a line out from the system.

This will ensure calls ring from your mobile rather than deskphone.

As for the voice path, what type of phone lines are you using? It sounds like you might have SIP, let me know. This is a bit more difficult to troubleshoot though.

There is an app that looks like a mobile phone with a circle underneath it, click that and set 'mobile' if you have your mobile number previously setup through one-x portal or select 'custom phone number' and enter your mobile number including any digits for a line out from the system.

* I meant there is an icon within the mobile app that looks like a mobile phone with a circle underneath it.
Hi murius ...

Thanks for technical support.
you mean the call facility in the top right in the application, there is many options:
1.Mobile Phone
2.Work Phone
3.Home Phone
4.Custom Phone number
when I set to mobile or custom phone number, the app ask me to enter my moile phone number, but what do you mean by enter your mobile number including any digits for a line out from the system.
you mean dial access code i used, for examble : "9xxxxxxxxxx"
I try this murius but let me tell you what happens.
I set ext. no. 137 as a power user, I call the customer number and hear the voicemail message, when enter the ext. no. 137 it will ring on my mobie, the number appear on my phone is the customer number, in this case it looks like forward to my mobile, the call is received to ext. no. and then dial to my mobile phone, this charge the customer twice, one when receiving the call and then when dialing my mobile number ( mean i receive the call through my moblile phone number not the application.
another thing from internal users when call me (ext. 137) i dont receive any thing.
also from outgoing when i dialling nothing happens, I see there is a dialing options in the settings but can you tell me how can i fill it.
about voice issuses the lines in the cusomers is PRI.

Thanks you very much .

Hi AvayaLove,

if you want to let the call's ring at the mobile phone you need to set up the twinning for that user (Manager -> Users -> Mobility). If you want to initiate a call from the mobile phone with the one-number-concept you need to select the "Mobile Phone" Options as Location. When you select this you can enter your mobile number (don't forget to activate the prefix like 9 or 0, if you need that).
When you initiate a call from the app now, the app will send a signal to the telephone system. After that the telephone system will call your mobile phone and the target number.

Hope that helps, sorry 4 my english ;)


Hi ...

But How could I receive phone call from any extension.
for Example, Ext. no. 113 want to call me (Ext. No. 137, How I can receive it.
also when set the twinnig mean that the call arrive the ext. then the ext. call my moile phone number, this will charge the customer beacuse the call comes from his phone number,
also when call from my mobile sends the call to the ip office and the ext. dial the number i wish to call, this again will cost the call to the customer.
Please Advice me.

Did you activate mobile twinning?

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As mentioned by sNNNeaker the One-X mobile app is not a Softphone and works over regular phone lines by Twinning (not basic forwarding) to the cellular / other phone.

You could just setup a SIP extension with a Softphone which is built into any Android phone with the latest version of the Android OS. If you have an iPhone, then download something like Groundwire to Bria for iPhone.

Unfortunately getting those to work might be an uphill battle for you....

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