I am using the application environment Borland C++Builder Professional/EnterPrise edition version 6. And I would like to implement an ‘onCellChanging() event function in the SOfferlineGrid (table/grid displaying sales lines) that triggers when text length exceeds maximum allowed.
But this method does not appear in this list on the attempts I have made so far. However, I have already implemented the check as an onexit() event (onCellValidate I believe), but would like to declare it so that a warning is given prior to exit and at the time the length exceeds maximum. I have tried to find any on-line help to see the expected declaration, but no on-line help description for this available for this. I have not been able to find it described on the Internet, either. For example something like:
void __fastcall TfrmMain::grdOfferLinesChkLengthEvent(TObject *Sender, int ARow, int ACol, bool &CanEdit)
I am sure someone out there have implemented a similar event. I appreciate any help.
//Sverre (1)
I have also thought of using some sort of special (custom) editor type, but if I used that for the column, I was not a ble to edit anything in the cell. That was probably because I hadn’t set up the rules, but I also don’t know how to setup up ‘editor type ‘ rules (edfloat,ednormal), and also haven’t paid it much attention. However, that approach also seems less appropriate as I believe it deals more with defining legal input characters and not checking length and hence may be wasted here.
//Sverre (2)
I am using the application environment Borland C++Builder Professional/EnterPrise edition version 6. And I would like to implement an ‘onCellChanging() event function in the SOfferlineGrid (table/grid displaying sales lines) that triggers when text length exceeds maximum allowed.
But this method does not appear in this list on the attempts I have made so far. However, I have already implemented the check as an onexit() event (onCellValidate I believe), but would like to declare it so that a warning is given prior to exit and at the time the length exceeds maximum. I have tried to find any on-line help to see the expected declaration, but no on-line help description for this available for this. I have not been able to find it described on the Internet, either. For example something like:
void __fastcall TfrmMain::grdOfferLinesChkLengthEvent(TObject *Sender, int ARow, int ACol, bool &CanEdit)
I am sure someone out there have implemented a similar event. I appreciate any help.
//Sverre (1)
I have also thought of using some sort of special (custom) editor type, but if I used that for the column, I was not a ble to edit anything in the cell. That was probably because I hadn’t set up the rules, but I also don’t know how to setup up ‘editor type ‘ rules (edfloat,ednormal), and also haven’t paid it much attention. However, that approach also seems less appropriate as I believe it deals more with defining legal input characters and not checking length and hence may be wasted here.
//Sverre (2)