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on the fly password encryption

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Sep 5, 2004
Hi all

I use the code below (which i found somewhere in the internet):
Function encrypt(x1, x2)
s = ""
t = 0
For i = 1 to len(x1)
t = t + asc(mid(x1,i,1))
For i = 1 to len(x2)
y = (t + asc(mid(x2,i,1)) * asc(mid(x2,((i+1) mod len(x2)+1),1))) mod 255
s = s & chr(y)
For i = (len(x2) + 1) to 10
If t>598.8 Then t = 598.8
y = t^3*i mod 255
s = s & chr(y)
encrypt = s
End Function
<% response.write encrypt(request.form("Passwort")) %>

to encrypt passwords on the fly, as they came from a html form to write down in a .htpasswd file (which is needed to protect Folders within IIS)

now istead of calling the function above the following ASP Eror appears in the Browser:

HTTP 500.100 - Interner Serverfehler - ASP-Fehler


Technische Informationen (für den Support)

Laufzeitfehler in Microsoft VBScript (0x800A01C2)
Falsche Anzahl an Argumenten oder ungültige Eigenschaftszuweisung: 'encrypt'

on english it means the following:

"Run time error in Microsoft VBScript(0x800A01C2)
Wrong amount of arguments or invalid Type Assigment : 'encrypt'

whats wrong, doest it pay eventually a role, where i place the code inside the asp page?

many thanks for your help

best regards


This isn't English, SecondToNone.

Your function encrypt needs 2 parameters passed to it, but your line

<% response.write encrypt(request.form("Passwort")) %>

only sends one parameter.

It appears you're sending the password to the server unencrypted, then encrypting it on the server. Wouldn't it be better (more secure) to encrypt it on the client side and then send the encrypted password to the server that way? There's been a discussion in the VB6 forum recently on using MD5 for encrypting passwords securely, and I'm sure you could adapt the code for that pretty easily.


to all

thanks, now i found the solution:

instead of doing this funcionality by hand i use now a third party tool called IISPassword which works fine and generates also apache compatible (htpasswd and htaccess) files

very cool this tool and it's free

For anyone interested:

[link=http://www.troxo.com/products/iispassword]IIS Password[/url]
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