Technical User
Ok. I am going nuts here. I thought i knew what I was doing but maybe i do not. I have spending way too much time on this issue. I have a Compaq Deskpro EP series. And a brand new western digital 20 gig ata 100 HD. I am unable to format the drive with NTFS with windows 2000 pro, howver i can put a fat partition on fine. I have tried first putting fat on the drive, also trying different cables. I am using a ultra ata/66 cable. I think maybe this is a calbing issue perhaps. (I dont completely understand what cable i should be using for a particular dirve, and if someone could give me a good refernce point for this it would be appreciated. I tried a different ultra ATA Maxtor drive and it did the same thing. The bios does detect the drive and I have the most up to date bios on the MOBO. Oh another thing i have tried is to swith between cable select and master and making sure the hd is alone and on the primary ouput of the cable. ANy ideas would be appreciate. please help