I wonder if someone can perhaps shed some light on possible cause for the mssql server error
message below;
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31'
Timeout expired
Last week this happened once every day, requiring a mssql reboot making it last another day, and
then all of a sudden the error stopped appearing, but my hosting provider says the site is performing
quite "slowly". But it has been running well for about a week, though at "low speed" as my hosting
provider says. Thing is I had not implemented anything new or daring when this error started
appearing. Can this be patch related, or due to a setting on the IIS/Ms sql server/Windows 2003?
The system is running classic asp against an mssql server, and has been doing so for quite a while
without problems and quite a high usage with lots of queries running.
I wonder if someone can perhaps shed some light on possible cause for the mssql server error
message below;
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31'
Timeout expired
Last week this happened once every day, requiring a mssql reboot making it last another day, and
then all of a sudden the error stopped appearing, but my hosting provider says the site is performing
quite "slowly". But it has been running well for about a week, though at "low speed" as my hosting
provider says. Thing is I had not implemented anything new or daring when this error started
appearing. Can this be patch related, or due to a setting on the IIS/Ms sql server/Windows 2003?
The system is running classic asp against an mssql server, and has been doing so for quite a while
without problems and quite a high usage with lots of queries running.