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OLE Question

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Technical User
Oct 24, 2003

I have a bound OLE object on a form that holds a jpeg. I am able to inset a file into this form using the inset object menu browse ect.

I would like to add a cmd button that opens the file dialog and allows me to choose the file I want and inserts that file into the ole object.

I have managed to get the file dialog open but cant seem to find the write command to inset the selected file.

I have this code so far

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.Title = "Select Employee Picture"
.Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*"
.Filters.Add "JPEGs", "*.jpg"
.FilterIndex = 2
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.InitialFileName = CurrentProject.path & "/Pics"

my ole object is OLEPicture

and i have been playing with Action acOLECreateEmbed
but I really have no clue what I'm doing.

Any help you would greatly appreciated. Thanks to all who contrubite to this site. I have learned so much just reading every ones posts.
I managed to get the code working with help from the northwinds DB and a post on another board.

When I embed a jpeg (my jpegs are all 6k max)the db starts getting very large very fast. The files get embeded as Microsoft Photo Editer 3.0 photo. If i put them in as bmp (50 k files size) the db doesnt seem to swell up as fast
I compact on close and should never have more than 40 - 50 jpgs in the table. I tried just linking the files vice embeding them, but I was getting a flash on the screen every I moved to the next record time showing the Importing Object dialog. Found it to be quite annoying and on occasion if I was navigating through records too fast the "Import box" would freeze on the screen. Have to CNT/alt/Delete end task to make the box go away.

Any thoughts?

Keep in mind I am a novice.


My code is as follows

Private Sub CmdAddPicture_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_CmdAddPicture_Click
Dim FileLocation As Variant

FileLocation = getFileName

If Not IsNull(FileLocation) Then
Me.OLEpicframe.Class = ""
Me.OLEpicframe.SourceDoc = FileLocation
Me.OLEpicframe.Action = acOLECreateEmbed
End If

Exit Sub
MsgBox CStr(Err) & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdAddPicture_Click

End Sub

Function getFileName()

Dim result As Integer

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.Title = "Select Employee Picture"
.Filters.Add "JPEGs", "*.jpg"
.Filters.Add "Bitmaps", "*.bmp"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.InitialFileName = CurrentProject.path & "/Pics"
result = .Show
If (result <> 0) Then
getFileName = Trim(.SelectedItems.Item(1))
getFileName = Null
End If
End With
End Function

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