until recently I was able to download images from a web site using code like this:
loHttpRequest = CreateObject( "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" )
loHttpRequest.Open( "GET", lcImageAddress, .F. )
loHttpRequest.Send( )
STRTOFILE( loHttpRequest.ResponseBody, lcImageFileName )
Suddenly, while working within the same session, an "OLE IDispatch exception code 0: the connection with the server was terminated abnormally" appeared, and since then I have not been able to make it work again.
The error may change to "... code 0: Access is denied" or "... code 0: Unspecified error" if I try to use a different syntax in CreateObject.
I am using VFP9 SP2 and Firefox on Windows 7 Professional, and step into the same error with a different web browser (specifically as VFP calls the Send method). The images are easily displayed on the browser at their URL address.
At first I thought the msxml3.dll file got corrupted, but using msxml6.dll does not solve the problem.
I suspect it has to do with security certificates, though I have no clue how to proceed.
until recently I was able to download images from a web site using code like this:
loHttpRequest = CreateObject( "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" )
loHttpRequest.Open( "GET", lcImageAddress, .F. )
loHttpRequest.Send( )
STRTOFILE( loHttpRequest.ResponseBody, lcImageFileName )
Suddenly, while working within the same session, an "OLE IDispatch exception code 0: the connection with the server was terminated abnormally" appeared, and since then I have not been able to make it work again.
The error may change to "... code 0: Access is denied" or "... code 0: Unspecified error" if I try to use a different syntax in CreateObject.
I am using VFP9 SP2 and Firefox on Windows 7 Professional, and step into the same error with a different web browser (specifically as VFP calls the Send method). The images are easily displayed on the browser at their URL address.
At first I thought the msxml3.dll file got corrupted, but using msxml6.dll does not solve the problem.
I suspect it has to do with security certificates, though I have no clue how to proceed.