Hi all,
I am having an issue with a particular user getting the above error when they change a date in the system, this then updates the microsoft outlook calender to set a reminder. It works on all pc's except this users, they swear blind that nothing has changed. I have read through some of the posts on OLE errors, am i right in thinking this is either a rights issue or a dll that hasnt been registered.
The code I am using is as follows
#DEFINE olMailItem 0
#DEFINE olAppointmentItem 1
#DEFINE olTaskItem 3
#DEFINE olImportanceHigh 2
#DEFINE MB_ICONINFORMATION 64 && Information message
#DEFINE MB_OK 0 && OK button only
#DEFINE OneDayInSeconds 86400
LOCAL oNameSpace, oMessage, oAppt, oTask, llError, lcError
llError = .F.
lcError = ON('ERROR')
ON ERROR llError = .T.
IF VarType(oOutlook) <> "O"
* Start or connect to Outlook
* Make it public for demonstration purposes.
RELEASE oOutlook
PUBLIC oOutlook
oOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
oNameSpace = oOutlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
* setting up the appointment see if it adds to calendar
oAppt = oOutlook.CreateItem( olAppointmentItem )
WITH oAppt
.Subject = thisform.grid1.column2.text1.value
.Location = "Sales History"
.Start = thisform.grid1.column6.text1.value
.Duration = 90
.ReminderSet = .T.
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 15
Sorry if this is a stupid question but if someone can point in the right direction as to how to solve it, that would be much appreciated. User is using Microsoft Outlook 2003
I am having an issue with a particular user getting the above error when they change a date in the system, this then updates the microsoft outlook calender to set a reminder. It works on all pc's except this users, they swear blind that nothing has changed. I have read through some of the posts on OLE errors, am i right in thinking this is either a rights issue or a dll that hasnt been registered.
The code I am using is as follows
#DEFINE olMailItem 0
#DEFINE olAppointmentItem 1
#DEFINE olTaskItem 3
#DEFINE olImportanceHigh 2
#DEFINE MB_ICONINFORMATION 64 && Information message
#DEFINE MB_OK 0 && OK button only
#DEFINE OneDayInSeconds 86400
LOCAL oNameSpace, oMessage, oAppt, oTask, llError, lcError
llError = .F.
lcError = ON('ERROR')
ON ERROR llError = .T.
IF VarType(oOutlook) <> "O"
* Start or connect to Outlook
* Make it public for demonstration purposes.
RELEASE oOutlook
PUBLIC oOutlook
oOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
oNameSpace = oOutlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
* setting up the appointment see if it adds to calendar
oAppt = oOutlook.CreateItem( olAppointmentItem )
WITH oAppt
.Subject = thisform.grid1.column2.text1.value
.Location = "Sales History"
.Start = thisform.grid1.column6.text1.value
.Duration = 90
.ReminderSet = .T.
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 15
Sorry if this is a stupid question but if someone can point in the right direction as to how to solve it, that would be much appreciated. User is using Microsoft Outlook 2003