OK - After a slow and painful week, my exchange server took a dive and crashed all together. I have no idea whatever killed it but all I can say is that OS cannot find HD even when using DELL's utilities to restore RAID Controller drivers.
After spending all day trying to win a race while riding on a dead horse, I am looking to go in to work and setup a new server. A friend of mine advised about needing to remove all reference of the old server from my ADS servers.
He kindly directed me to this link
One thing confuses me, it seems to me that the article bases this on removing exchange from a server that will
a) stay online
b) a new exchange will be installed
In my case, I am setting up a totally new server. I do want to use the same server name as the original and I think this is the one reason why I have to clean up my ADS servers. Aside from the suggestions on the above linked article, I wonder of any other advise you guys/gals can offer.
After spending all day trying to win a race while riding on a dead horse, I am looking to go in to work and setup a new server. A friend of mine advised about needing to remove all reference of the old server from my ADS servers.
He kindly directed me to this link
One thing confuses me, it seems to me that the article bases this on removing exchange from a server that will
a) stay online
b) a new exchange will be installed
In my case, I am setting up a totally new server. I do want to use the same server name as the original and I think this is the one reason why I have to clean up my ADS servers. Aside from the suggestions on the above linked article, I wonder of any other advise you guys/gals can offer.