Our server was backup quite happily but one day it just started emailing that the backup was failing.
After lots of hunting around I came across the solution that the OFO was failing (looking at the log - that seems obvious, but I'm not completely versed in BackupExec) and a reinstall of the OFO would fix it. So, we've done that. Ran the Wizard again too... but its still failing.
Is it because things are being backup which shouldnt be!?
I know I'm missing something but can anyone point me in the right direction. Heres the log:
Job server: SERVERNAME
Job name: Backup 0016
Job started: 20 October 2005 at 23:30:05
Job type: Backup
Job Log: BEX83.txt
Drive and media information from media mount:
Robotic Library Name:
Drive Name: SEAGATE 3
Slot: 0
Media GUID: {019FB67E-3685-467D-82C4-E13325B7E01F}
Media Label: 4MM000037
Overwrite Protection Time Left: None
Append Time Left: Infinite
Targeted Media Set Name: Media Set 1
Job Operation - Backup
Media operation - overwrite.
Hardware compression enabled.
Media Name: "Media created 20/10/2005 23:30:05 "
Backup of "\\SERVERNAME\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0016"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 20/10/2005 at 23:30:22 .
Backup completed on 21/10/2005 at 01:23:42 .
Backed up 93179 mail message(s) in 1223 folder(s) in 39 mailbox(es)
Processed 8,814,651,990 bytes in 1 hour, 53 minutes, and 20 seconds.
Throughput rate: 74.2 MB/min
Media Name: "Media created 20/10/2005 23:30:05 "
Backup of "C: "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0016"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 21/10/2005 at 01:23:56 .
The item \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\JET2228.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\JET2664.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\JET41E2.tmp in use - skipped.
File "~DFD2DC.tmp" in use - Backed up.
File "InboxLOG.txt" in use - Backed up.
File "OutboxLOG.txt" in use - Backed up.
File "index.dat" in use - Backed up.
File "index.dat" in use - Backed up.
File "index.dat" in use - Backed up.
Directory not found. Can not backup directory \invh and its subdirectories.
File "AP0.LOG" in use - Backed up.
File "BF0.LOG" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000003.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000005.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000008.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000009.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000A.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000B.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000C.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000D.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000E.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000F.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000010.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000011.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000012.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000013.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000014.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000015.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000016.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000017.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000018.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000019.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001A.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001B.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001C.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001D.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001E.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001F.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000021.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000022.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000027.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DBREFS" in use - Backed up.
File "EV0.LOG" in use - Backed up.
File "FWSEXTD20051020.log" in use - Backed up.
File "IPPEXTD20051021.log" in use - Backed up.
File "WEBEXTD20051021.log" in use - Backed up.
File "msmdqlog.ldb" in use - Backed up.
File "msmdqlog.mdb" in use - Backed up.
File "SOPHOSLOG.EVT" in use - Backed up.
The item \Program Files\Sophos Sweep for NT\INTERCHK.CHK in use - skipped.
File "adamm.log" in use - Backed up.
File "pvl.ldb" in use - Backed up.
File "pvl.mdb" in use - Backed up.
File "hmdebug.log" in use - Backed up.
File "Perflib_Perfdata_6d8.dat" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\System32\dhcp\dhcp.mdb in use - skipped.
File "DhcpSrvLog.Fri" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\System32\dhcp\j50.log in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\System32\dhcp\tmp.edb in use - skipped.
File "dns.log" in use - Backed up.
File "Tcp1D.tmp" in use - Backed up.
File "NTEVT.log" in use - Backed up.
File "WBEMSNMP.log" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\System32\wins\j50.log in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\System32\wins\wins.mdb in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\System32\wins\winstmp.mdb in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol\companyname.com\DO_NOT_REMOVE_NtFrs_PreInstall_Directory in use - skipped.
File "ESICS.DAT" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\Temp\JETA087.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\Temp\LB10D.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\Temp\LB10E.tmp in use - skipped.
File "LB21E3.tmp" in use - Backed up.
File "LB21EE.tmp" in use - Backed up.
File "LB21EF.tmp" in use - Backed up.
Backup completed on 21/10/2005 at 03:29:31 .
Backed up 157737 files in 4218 directories.
59 files were in use
15 items were skipped.
Processed 22,258,252,890 bytes in 2 hours, 5 minutes, and 35 seconds.
Throughput rate: 169.0 MB/min
Job Operation - Verify
Verify of "\\SERVERNAME\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0016"
Verify started on 21/10/2005 at 03:30:51 .
Verify completed on 21/10/2005 at 04:06:08 .
Verified 93179 mail message(s) in 1223 folder(s) in 39 mailbox(es)
0 files were different.
Processed 8,814,651,990 bytes in 35 minutes and 17 seconds.
Throughput rate: 238.3 MB/min
Verify of "C: "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0016"
Verify started on 21/10/2005 at 04:06:08 .
Verify completed on 21/10/2005 at 05:14:27 .
Verified 157737 files in 4218 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 22,258,252,890 bytes in 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 19 seconds.
Throughput rate: 310.7 MB/min
Job ended: 21 October 2005 at 05:15:46
Job completion status: Failed
After lots of hunting around I came across the solution that the OFO was failing (looking at the log - that seems obvious, but I'm not completely versed in BackupExec) and a reinstall of the OFO would fix it. So, we've done that. Ran the Wizard again too... but its still failing.
Is it because things are being backup which shouldnt be!?
I know I'm missing something but can anyone point me in the right direction. Heres the log:
Job server: SERVERNAME
Job name: Backup 0016
Job started: 20 October 2005 at 23:30:05
Job type: Backup
Job Log: BEX83.txt
Drive and media information from media mount:
Robotic Library Name:
Drive Name: SEAGATE 3
Slot: 0
Media GUID: {019FB67E-3685-467D-82C4-E13325B7E01F}
Media Label: 4MM000037
Overwrite Protection Time Left: None
Append Time Left: Infinite
Targeted Media Set Name: Media Set 1
Job Operation - Backup
Media operation - overwrite.
Hardware compression enabled.
Media Name: "Media created 20/10/2005 23:30:05 "
Backup of "\\SERVERNAME\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0016"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 20/10/2005 at 23:30:22 .
Backup completed on 21/10/2005 at 01:23:42 .
Backed up 93179 mail message(s) in 1223 folder(s) in 39 mailbox(es)
Processed 8,814,651,990 bytes in 1 hour, 53 minutes, and 20 seconds.
Throughput rate: 74.2 MB/min
Media Name: "Media created 20/10/2005 23:30:05 "
Backup of "C: "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0016"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 21/10/2005 at 01:23:56 .
The item \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\JET2228.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\JET2664.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\JET41E2.tmp in use - skipped.
File "~DFD2DC.tmp" in use - Backed up.
File "InboxLOG.txt" in use - Backed up.
File "OutboxLOG.txt" in use - Backed up.
File "index.dat" in use - Backed up.
File "index.dat" in use - Backed up.
File "index.dat" in use - Backed up.
Directory not found. Can not backup directory \invh and its subdirectories.
File "AP0.LOG" in use - Backed up.
File "BF0.LOG" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000003.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000005.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000008.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000009.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000A.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000B.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000C.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000D.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000E.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00000F.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000010.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000011.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000012.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000013.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000014.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000015.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000016.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000017.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000018.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000019.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001A.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001B.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001C.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001D.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001E.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB00001F.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000021.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000022.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DB000027.DAT" in use - Backed up.
File "DBREFS" in use - Backed up.
File "EV0.LOG" in use - Backed up.
File "FWSEXTD20051020.log" in use - Backed up.
File "IPPEXTD20051021.log" in use - Backed up.
File "WEBEXTD20051021.log" in use - Backed up.
File "msmdqlog.ldb" in use - Backed up.
File "msmdqlog.mdb" in use - Backed up.
File "SOPHOSLOG.EVT" in use - Backed up.
The item \Program Files\Sophos Sweep for NT\INTERCHK.CHK in use - skipped.
File "adamm.log" in use - Backed up.
File "pvl.ldb" in use - Backed up.
File "pvl.mdb" in use - Backed up.
File "hmdebug.log" in use - Backed up.
File "Perflib_Perfdata_6d8.dat" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\System32\dhcp\dhcp.mdb in use - skipped.
File "DhcpSrvLog.Fri" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\System32\dhcp\j50.log in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\System32\dhcp\tmp.edb in use - skipped.
File "dns.log" in use - Backed up.
File "Tcp1D.tmp" in use - Backed up.
File "NTEVT.log" in use - Backed up.
File "WBEMSNMP.log" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\System32\wins\j50.log in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\System32\wins\wins.mdb in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\System32\wins\winstmp.mdb in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol\companyname.com\DO_NOT_REMOVE_NtFrs_PreInstall_Directory in use - skipped.
File "ESICS.DAT" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\Temp\JETA087.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\Temp\LB10D.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\Temp\LB10E.tmp in use - skipped.
File "LB21E3.tmp" in use - Backed up.
File "LB21EE.tmp" in use - Backed up.
File "LB21EF.tmp" in use - Backed up.
Backup completed on 21/10/2005 at 03:29:31 .
Backed up 157737 files in 4218 directories.
59 files were in use
15 items were skipped.
Processed 22,258,252,890 bytes in 2 hours, 5 minutes, and 35 seconds.
Throughput rate: 169.0 MB/min
Job Operation - Verify
Verify of "\\SERVERNAME\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0016"
Verify started on 21/10/2005 at 03:30:51 .
Verify completed on 21/10/2005 at 04:06:08 .
Verified 93179 mail message(s) in 1223 folder(s) in 39 mailbox(es)
0 files were different.
Processed 8,814,651,990 bytes in 35 minutes and 17 seconds.
Throughput rate: 238.3 MB/min
Verify of "C: "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0016"
Verify started on 21/10/2005 at 04:06:08 .
Verify completed on 21/10/2005 at 05:14:27 .
Verified 157737 files in 4218 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 22,258,252,890 bytes in 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 19 seconds.
Throughput rate: 310.7 MB/min
Job ended: 21 October 2005 at 05:15:46
Job completion status: Failed