I am looking for a piece of code that will change the value in a range in Excel VBA. For example I have a range named "Input1" which contains the vlaue in cell "B2".
I am looking for code which will change the value of "Input1" to the vlaue in the cell "B3", then "B4", "B5", etc.
Any thoughts to get me going would help... do I use a loop?, how does one change the value in a named range using "offset"?
General thoughts might get me going... for now I am stuck.
I am looking for code which will change the value of "Input1" to the vlaue in the cell "B3", then "B4", "B5", etc.
Any thoughts to get me going would help... do I use a loop?, how does one change the value in a named range using "offset"?
General thoughts might get me going... for now I am stuck.