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Odd sitelist.xml problem 1

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Mar 28, 2002
We are experiencing a unusual problem with EPO 3.0.1 and the patches.

I caught the problem when SP2a was released. At the time, we where installing a new EPO server so I immediately patched the brand new server with SP2a. We had a dedicated FTP box ready to be a distributed repository, so I got it added. Our agent policy was setup to use epo configured repositories using the FTP box and NAIFTP. The Master server was disabled as a repository. Ping time was implemented.

After finishing the setup, I took the newly created framepkg.exe and installed it on a box running VirusScan 7.0. After it was installed and it performed its initial ASCI, I started making sure all looked good concerning the policies and repository list. Much to my surprise the repository list only had the Master ePO server listed. Not only was the distributed repository and the NAIFTP site missing, the Master was ENABLED. I ran the AutoUpdate task from the VS7.0 client and it failed to find a valid repository.

I looked at the sitelist.xml file and found the Master and NAIFTP entries, but no DR. No matter what changes I made, I could open the VirusScan Console and look at the rep list only to find the master epo server listed and enabled. The only way this box would connect to get DAT updates was when I actually enabled the Master in the agent policy and pushed it down.

I reported it to NAI, after a week or so I was told a patch was on its way which was ePO3125 (agent side patch 5).

To make a long story short, the patches since SP2a have not fixed the problem.

After multiple installs and troubleshooting, here is what is going on:
The sitelist.xml file that gets created and included in the FRAMEPKG.EXE file AFTER installing SP2a is BAD. It doesn't have any of our distributed repositories within it. This is odd since the sitelist.xml file sitting in the same directory contains all the valid information. The contents of the BAD sitelist.xml is the Master epo server, NAIFTP, and NAIHTTP. When performing a manual install of the agent package, all three of these repositories are listed in the rep list when you look at it from the VirusScan Console BEFORE the first ASCI.

After the first ASCI, the sitelist.xml is updated. The bad sitelist.xml file is updated incorrectly if the client is running VSEN 7.0. The sitelist.xml will now contain just the NAIFTP site and the Master; however, if you open the VirusScan console and look at the rep list only the Master is listed and its always enabled even though it could be disabled in the agent policy. No changes in the agent policy will make any difference.

Here's a kicker, if the client is running VSEN 7.1, the bad sitelist.xml file placed on the client by the agent install is corrected properly after the first ASCI and all is well!

Here is what will work:
If you push the agent to a client running VSEN 7.0, it will work normally.
If you manually install the agent with an exported sitelist.xml file, it will work normally.
If you delete the sitelist.xml file off the client running VSEN 7.0, a new one is created and all is well.

I have created 4 separate EPO installs. ALL have experienced the exact same problem. Here is what I do.

EPO 3.0 SP1 (EPO 3.0.1)
Patch 5 (epo3025)
Patch 5 (epo3125)

I've also tried Patch 6.

Any ideas to correct?

Oops. Forgot to mention that all runs normal prior to applying SP2a. No problems whatsoever.
haven´t experienced the same problem as of yet, but if i happen to run into the same scenario, i´ll post the details about my experience. thanks for your story and troubleshooting, it can be useful to others
Looks like this is a known issue that was supposed to be corrected with Patch5, then Patch6.

From a reply in a different messageing group, CMAPatch7 should take care of this once it is released.
CMA is the problem here?
I just upgraded to the 3 series and have the same problem.

Question. Are there other public patches for CMA, besides 6 & 7? At first glance I don't see any on their site. From what I remember reading, you have to check in patches in order like patch 1 then 2, etc...
I believe the patches are cumulative. I was told the following to patch a previously unpatched 3.0.1 server.

Patch 4 (epo3024.zip)
Patch 6 (epo3026.zip)
CMA Patch 7 (cma3127.zip)

Chiefsmt123 - Did patch 7 fix this issue for you?

It would seem so. One of our test environments reported the fix worked. I haven't had the chance to try it in my test network, yet. I'll try it tomorrow.

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