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Odd error on opening report... 1

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Jan 16, 2003
I have a report which I develop and then share with other users in the same department. I design the report and then ship it to the other users via e-mail. Upon receiving the report, the database is verified prior to print previewing or refreshing the report. It's then when things get a bit strange. I use a formula for the page count:
"Page " + ToText(PageNumber) + " of " + ToText(TotalPageCount)
...and instead of a correct page count, the footer shows some astronomical number like 4217689435, when there should be only 6 or 7 pages. If you click the Show Last Page button, the Windows Installer fires up and starts looking for the install disks. After cancelling all the Installer dialogs, I get a last dialog stating:
"The database DLL, 'crdb_p2bbde.dll' could not be loaded"

Would anyone know why this is happening?
I have searched both here and on Crystal Decisions with no luck.
We are using CR 9 on WIN2K

Thanks in advance...

Why not use the Special Field PageNofM?

It also sounds as though there is an issue tanslating the information from the datasource.

Best be making sure the client machine(s) have the data driver you rteferenced.

The Windows Installer is starting up for a reason. It either can not find the data driver or it is trying to establish the client profile linking.

Have you thought to let the installer do its job rather than cancelling?


Home of Crystal Ease
I use the formula for the page numbers for reasons iterated numerous times here on these Crystal forums, but that's only a symptom - things don't change if I do use the PageNofM special field. The system still fires up the installer and ends with the missing DB driver message as before. Odd thing is, the DLL it's asking for is there - I checked on all the machines. Still more curious, I let the installer do it's thing and everything works fine until the next time I send the user an updated report. Then the whole enchilada starts all over again. If you, or anyone else doesn't have any more ideas, guess I'll have to pass this off as another one of those head-scratchers to remain a mystery until solved by some means beyind me at this point

Thanks SG
What folder does this dll reside in on your machine?

I might be inclined to do a system search, find all instances of this dll, then let the installer do its thing and search again to see if there are more copies.

Seems very odd. The Windows Installer serviceis going into what is know as Repair mode or 'self healing' because it has detected something to do with this dll is missing. Could be a reg setting or some such thing.

If there is a rights restriction the change could be being held dynamically in memory and not actually updating the system. This could explain why it must keep doing it.

It is a mystery for sure. Will keep my eyes peeled.


Home of Crystal Ease
Thanks for looking into this SG...
the file resides in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin on all the installations we have on various computers. One additional avenue I am approaching is that of the original installation procedure. Our IT folks insist on performing all software installs for the whole department, and are not users of, or even remotely conversant with Crystal Reports. Backtracking what they did is an interesting is also a challenge. For instance, I cannot double click a Crystal Report file name to open it - I must access them through a Send To context menu item, or open the program from the Start menu and navigate to the desired report via the File Dialog... and that's just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. I rather suspect now that the install and resulting file permissions have a great deal to do with this problem, as bizarre as that sounds. I cannot even use the Crystal Repository due to permissions. Guess I'll have to find some other workaround if it exists.

Thanks, and by the way I always enjoy your responses to questions - keep up the great work

Hey Stancer,

Thank you so much and you have certainly used your Sherlock Holmes skill set and sleuthed out the root. I think you are on track with the issue and it looks to me like a system config issue, which is really too bad.

If you happen to be an Admin on your box (which by the sounds of it is doubtful), you might run the install yourself. shhhh

The fact that the Crystal Reports dde is not properly linked to the .rpt extension is a bit scary.

Good luck with this though


Home of Crystal Ease
I have also had a problem with Crystal 9, W2k. The dll crdb_p2bbde.dll could not be loaded. This works fine on my XP machine however.

Was a solution ever found??

Yeah, I did find a solution - install ALL the database drivers using an admin account... the default install doesn't always install all the necessary files. Simple as that! Now, if I can only get the Repository functioning??!!

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