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ODBC Error

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Technical User
Apr 13, 2004
I have created a System DSN for the file I wish to open. However, whenever I move to another script to handle other processing tasks, it gives me the following error:

couldn't open Purchase Order DB: po because -1032[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.</br> at C:/Perl/lib/functions.lib line 7.

I have closed the connection to the database from script1 by using the $db->close() method. However when I go to connect to the DB again it gives me this error. The code contained within the functions.lib is the following:

sub connecttodsn

$DSN = "po";

#Connect to PO DB
$_[0]=new Win32::ODBC($DSN) or die "couldn't open Purchase Order DB: $DSN because ", Win32::ODBC::Error(), "</br>";

Help please:


Have you got the access database open in MS Access?

No Sir. I just have the Web program running in IE.
I've never used this module before so I could be wrong...

1) I'm not sure that $_[0] is a valid assignment, unless it's a callback? This might be a probelm (~shrug~ Dunno)

2) The Access Error string is saying 'unknown', so it looks like the value po isn't getting passed, check the DSN po on the machine where the script is run.


$_[0] indicates the first value passed to the subroutine. I call it with connecttodsn($db) so $_[0] is a reference to $db. I am not sure what you mean by check the po on the machine. It is working, b/c I can use it in one script just not in another. I get the same error message even if I create another DSN and use it instead of po.

check the po-simply check the DSN to make sure it exists.

$_[0]- you're assigning a new instance of the ODBC object to a variable that was passed to the subroutine connecttotdsn - this doesn't sound right

Can you post the code that works?

Here you go Paul:


#!c:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w
use Win32::ODBC;
use CGI ':standard';
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

require 'functions.lib';

print "content-type: text/html \n\n";


print <<EOF;

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function validate(form)
if(form.employee.selectedIndex == 0)
alert("You must enter a valid Employee")
return false
if(form.vendor.selectedIndex == 0)
alert("You must enter a valid Vendor")
return false
if(form.salesTax.value == "")
alert("You must enter a sales tax rate")
return false
return true



<p align="center"><font size="6">Purchase Order Form</font></p>

<form name="POForm" method="POST" onsubmit="return validate(this)" action="../../Scripts/shipInfo.pl">


print <<EOF;
<p>Employee: <select size="1" name="employee"><option value="SelectFromBelow">Select From Below</option>

$sqlstmnt = "SELECT firstName, lastName FROM employees ORDER BY lastname ASC";

while ($db->FetchRow)
my ($fname, $lname) = $db->Data();
print "<option value='$lname, $fname'>$lname, $fname</option>";

my @date = localtime;
$year = $date[5] + 1900;
$month = $date[4] +1;
$todayDate = "$month.$date[3].$year";

print <<EOF;
</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Date: <input type="text" name="date" size="10" value="$todayDate">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Quote Ref. #: <input type="text" name="quoteNum" size="10"></p>
<p>Vendor: <select size="1" name="vendor"><option value="SelectFromBelow">Select From Below</option>

$sqlstmnt = "SELECT CompanyName FROM Vendors ORDER BY CompanyName";


while ($db->FetchRow)
my ($vname) = $db->Data();
print "<option value='$vname'>$vname</option>";

#Close PO DB connnection
print <<EOF;
<p>Freight Charge: <input type="input" name="fc" size="10">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sales Tax (Decimal Form): <input type="text" name="salesTax" size="10">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Next" name="addLI"></p>



sub connecttodsn
$DSN = "po";
$_[0] = new Win32::ODBC($DSN);


sub connecttodsn
$DSN = "po";
$_[0] = new Win32::ODBC($DSN);


#!c:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w
use Win32::ODBC;
use CGI ':standard';
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

require 'functions.lib';

print "content-type: text/html \n\n";



print "In Script";

Tell me about your configuration(s)

Does it work okay in test, but not in production?


PS-It's a bit l8 my side o de world
It is not in production yet, so it is not working in testing stages. I have set up a DSN through XP under the admistrator tools within the control panel. It is a System DSN with a Access driver being used, and named po. I have the latest version of active perl installed, and are running the web pages on my local machine via IIS. If you need anything else let me know.

I don't understand please clairfy.

Guninees Over IP?
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Part and Inventory Search

