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ODBC DSN Creation 1

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Mar 29, 2001
Here is the code im testing out? why doesnt it work??
it also doesnt provide for user name / password..
it seems no matter what I try here nothing really works for a dynamic connection to a SQL server.. I fail to see why its so hard to create a connection to a server and mess with some data... when data manipulation so easy with just plain .dbf's. Maybe the simple answer im looking for just doesnt exist.

#define ODBC_ADD_DSN 1
#define ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN 4

#define SQL_NO_DATA 100
#define SQL_SUCCESS 0
#define SQL_ERROR -1

DECLARE Integer SQLConfigDataSource IN odbccp32.dll Integer, Short, String @, String @

lc_driver = "SQL Server" + CHR(0)
lc_dsn = "dsn=testdsn" + CHR(0) + ;
"server=" + CHR(0) + ;
"database=tracker" + CHR(0) + ;
"network=DBMSSOCN" + CHR(0) && DBMSSOCN = TCP/IP connection

fResult = SQLConfigDataSource(0, ODBC_ADD_DSN, @lc_driver, @lc_dsn)

IF fResult = -1 OR fResult = 1
* Call the SQLInstallerError API for error Information.
I don't know how to make your code work, but why are you doing it in code if you just want to 'mess with' some data? It's very easy to create a connection using windows and VFP. You create the data source in the window's Control Panel and then create the connection from the VFP Project Manager. --Dave
Thats what I was trying to get around... I wanted to be able to create my own connections on the fly.. its a very good thing to be able to do with a client thats going to be widely distributed.. so the server can be reconfigured on the fly using the client.. I am now using ADO just fine.. so thanks anyway...

If you are still interested, their is a class, ODBC_DSN, created by Mark McCasland at universalthread.com that provides this functionality.

FWIW, a DSN simply houses a connection string for ODBC. The same as a UDL file does for OLE DB(ADO). Jon Hawkins

The World Is Headed For Mutiny,
When All We Want Is Unity. - Creed
Follow this example to create a connection on the fly, without a DSN (this is detailed in a FAQ on this forum):

[tt]nHandle = sqlstringconnect("driver={SQL SERVER};SERVER=;
UID=myuser;PWD=mypwed;DATABASE=mydb;trusted_connection=No" [/tt]

I've broken the statement into two lines in the example above, but it is all one string, including the semicolons.

Once you have successfully connected (nHandle>0), you can then use SQL pass through statements like this:

[tt]sqlexec(nHandle, "select * from Mytable")[/tt]
Robert Bradley

We have a SQL server and use FoxPro access by having the driver created in:
Control Panel
(Very easily set up)

Then in VFP:

?sqlexec('handle,"select * from database name")

Then once you are "done" with the server, you can disconnect:

Hope this helps - Kris
By the way, here's some code I've been using recently which you may find useful:

oConn = CREATE("adodb.recordset")

oConn.open("SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE YourField='XXX'", GetDEDstr(),2,3)

Here GetDEDstr() returns:

"driver=SQL Server; Server=YourServer; uid=sa;pwd=; database=YourDB"

and 'XXX' doesn't exist in YourField, so you're not returning anything at this point

Dave Dardinger
Ya, I use basically the same exact code now... and Krisb I cant use the ODBC util because i wanted to create a dynamic connection as noted above. ADO works very nicely. :)

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