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ODBC Driver Error 80004005

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Oct 29, 2000
I'd really appreciate some help with the following problem.

I have developed and tested an ASP application (at home and work using PWS). I have published to the ISP and all is fine except the two scripts when data is saved to the DB! This is not exactly what I want.

The full message is:

MS OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[MS][ODBC MS Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query

I'm using an Access 97 db. I hope to move to SQL early next year.

I use an include file to connect to the db:

strDBName = "mydb.mdb"
strPath = Server.MapPath("./") & "\Database\" & strDBName
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & strPath

That doesn't seem to be the problem (I think!).

Here's the SQL code excerpts:

Set objRS = objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM ...
sql = "INSERT INTO Table ( ...
sql = sql & "VALUES (...
objConn.Execute sql

Is the problem the type of defaults I'm using or the lack of them?

I have searched MSDN and found plenty of help for other 80004005 errors but not this one.

Thanks for any help.

i've had this problem before.. i think the problem may be:

the machine you are running the scripts on has access 2000, or a new version of MDAC. apparently the new jet drivers for access aren't compatible with acess 97 databases. i ended up just getting office 200 and converting the db.

Thanks - although I now realise I haven't helped myself. The BD is actually Access 2000 (I've got different version of Access on two different development PC's). However, the version of DB may be a problem on the ISP's server.

Thanks for your suggestion.
Make sure you have WRITE permissions set on the database and in the directory where the database is stored.
Thanks to joeyh - the problem was permissions related in that I had been using dodgy MS FrontPage to publish the web which dealt with the file structure differently than expected.

By using CuteFTP to FTP to the ISP, everything works as required.
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