I have just had to move our Pervasive SQL database over to a new server due to hardware failure. But Now any Access files that are linked to it say "ODBC--CALL FAILED" how do i get round this?
I've dealt with the problem before, and here's the solution:
First, go to the ODBC Data Source Administrator. For each DSN which uses the Pervasive Engine, select Configure, and change the Server field to the name of the new Server.
Once each of the DSN's has been changed, open up the database with the ODBC linked tables. Create a new module and paste the following code after the Option Explicit statement:
''' Begin Code '''
Public Function odbcFix(serverOld As String, serverNew As String)
Dim tbDefs As TableDefs, tbCtr As Integer
Set tbDefs = CurrentDb.TableDefs
For tbCtr = 0 To tbDefs.Count - 1
If tbDefs(tbCtr).Attributes = dbAttachedODBC Then
tbDefs(tbCtr).Connect = Replace(tbDefs(tbCtr).Connect, serverOld, serverNew)
End If
Next tbCtr
Set tbDefs = Nothing
End Function
Public Function Replace(sIn As String, sFind As String, _
sReplace As String, Optional nStart As Long = 1, _
Optional nCount As Long = -1, Optional bCompare As _
Variant = vbBinaryCompare) As String
Dim nC As Long, nPos As Integer, sOut As String
sOut = sIn
nPos = InStr(nStart, sOut, sFind, bCompare)
If nPos = 0 Then GoTo EndFn:
nC = nC + 1
sOut = Left(sOut, nPos - 1) & sReplace & _
Mid(sOut, nPos + Len(sFind))
If nCount <> -1 And nC >= nCount Then Exit Do
nPos = InStr(nStart, sOut, sFind, bCompare)
Loop While nPos > 0
Replace = sOut
End Function
''' End Code '''
Save the module as 'odbcFix Module", go to the Debug window, type:
Call odbcFix("OldServerName","NewServerName")
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