I would like to know how one can obtain the IP Address of the local Windows2k machine without using the stupid getComputerName() api from the Computer class? This name is crap since if you have in some DHCP networks, this name and the actual network name that you are assigned are different. So how can one reconcile their IP Address, hopefully directly from the adapter, without going through the windoz stuff? I am familiar with the normal x/open and posix socket apis but do not see a way to use them until I have a trusted name. Hopefully the is some ioctly api or something that can help.
Does anyone have any ideas? How does the IPCONFIG command get the IPAddress? That would probably help if someone out there know that answer. Thanks! "
Does anyone have any ideas? How does the IPCONFIG command get the IPAddress? That would probably help if someone out there know that answer. Thanks! "