Dear sir
I'm getting this error while trying to access an ASP.NET system on a Server.
An user log on windows and can access the main page on ASP.NET system.
Another user lon on windows and can't access the main page on ASP.NET System.
Both are using the same machine.
I tried again on another machine and I got error, that is: an user get access and another user
doesn't get.
Code (Error occurs on code bellow)
txtReferencia.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "ConvertToUpperCase(this)") 'text box
If sErro.Equals(String.Empty) Then
If Not IsPostBack Then
filCNPJ.Visible = False '<INPUT>
lstCNPJ.Rows = 7 'listbox
txtReferencia.Attributes.Add("onblur", "this.value = this.value.toUpperCase();")
lblUsuario.Text = CType(Session("config")(5), String).Trim 'label
lblDate.Text = Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") 'label
lblData.Text = Today.AddDays(90).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") 'label
Why an user access the system and another use get error (Object variable or With block variable not set)
while trying to access the same system?
What's wrong?
Can somebody help me?
Thank you very much.
I'm getting this error while trying to access an ASP.NET system on a Server.
An user log on windows and can access the main page on ASP.NET system.
Another user lon on windows and can't access the main page on ASP.NET System.
Both are using the same machine.
I tried again on another machine and I got error, that is: an user get access and another user
doesn't get.
Code (Error occurs on code bellow)
txtReferencia.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "ConvertToUpperCase(this)") 'text box
If sErro.Equals(String.Empty) Then
If Not IsPostBack Then
filCNPJ.Visible = False '<INPUT>
lstCNPJ.Rows = 7 'listbox
txtReferencia.Attributes.Add("onblur", "this.value = this.value.toUpperCase();")
lblUsuario.Text = CType(Session("config")(5), String).Trim 'label
lblDate.Text = Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") 'label
lblData.Text = Today.AddDays(90).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") 'label
Why an user access the system and another use get error (Object variable or With block variable not set)
while trying to access the same system?
What's wrong?
Can somebody help me?
Thank you very much.