Technical User
recently, I downloaded a script to make MySQL database changes through a web interface written in php, and with some javascript. Everything works quite fine, except when I try to make changes to the database.
I'll explain how the script works... It outputs a table with all fields in a database, and I can add rows and delete them, so that part is working fine. But then I type something in the textfield of an existing table field, to make changes, the table row gets another color to show that a change has been made, and the 'Make changes' submit button gets enabled, which stays disabled if you don't touch the existing fields, so untill here still working fine. But it's when I try to submit the 'form' that I get a javascript error.
It's saying 'Object is required', and when I look at the lines of the error, it says this:
function datecheck(month,day,year){ //checks for illegal dates
obj = document.getElementById(month);
if(obj.value > 12 || obj.value < 1 || obj.value == "") {
alert('Enter valid month.');
return false;
So I have been trying to figure out what exactly the problem could be, but I can't find it. Have been trying to remove parts of the javascript, but then I got other errors, and it has gone from bad to worse. So I'm a bit stuck here... Is there anyone who can help me with this ? I guess it's more efficient if I post the code:
recently, I downloaded a script to make MySQL database changes through a web interface written in php, and with some javascript. Everything works quite fine, except when I try to make changes to the database.
I'll explain how the script works... It outputs a table with all fields in a database, and I can add rows and delete them, so that part is working fine. But then I type something in the textfield of an existing table field, to make changes, the table row gets another color to show that a change has been made, and the 'Make changes' submit button gets enabled, which stays disabled if you don't touch the existing fields, so untill here still working fine. But it's when I try to submit the 'form' that I get a javascript error.
It's saying 'Object is required', and when I look at the lines of the error, it says this:
function datecheck(month,day,year){ //checks for illegal dates
obj = document.getElementById(month);
if(obj.value > 12 || obj.value < 1 || obj.value == "") {
alert('Enter valid month.');
return false;
So I have been trying to figure out what exactly the problem could be, but I can't find it. Have been trying to remove parts of the javascript, but then I got other errors, and it has gone from bad to worse. So I'm a bit stuck here... Is there anyone who can help me with this ? I guess it's more efficient if I post the code:
drawrow($primary, $value, $width, $maxlength, $type,$count,$name,$originalcolor,$column,$mode)
parameter descriptions
$primary: 1 if column is a primary key. used to hide id columns
$value: field result
$width: width of the textbox, based on the longest value return in that field
$maxlength: the length of the field
$type: datatype of field
$count: row number
$name: name of the field
$originalcolor: background color of the row to return to if user starts to modify then resets back to default value
$column: column number, based on total amount of fields
$mode: 0 = normal display for editing , 1 = readonly for confirmation form, 2 = blank for adding a row
//set custom table variables here
$server = "localhost";
$database = "DB";
$userid = "USER";
$password = "PASSWORD";
//$d_sort = //hardcode default column to sort by - usually date
//the rest can be left blank
$subtitle = "";
$modinfo = "";
$errormes = "";
$message = "";
$fieldname = "";
$fieldvalue = "";
$emails = "";
$dates = "";
#----------END DECLARATIONS-------------------------------
#----------POST AND GET RETRIEVALS------------------------
$order = (isset($_GET['order'])) ? $_GET['order'] : $d_sort; //hardcode default column to sort by - usually date
//$direction = (isset($_GET['direction'])) ? $_GET['direction'] : "ASC"; //sort direction
$action = (isset($_POST['mode'])) ? $_POST['mode'] : "initial";
$confirmation = (isset($_POST['confirmation'])) ? $_POST['confirmation'] : ""; //populated after form is posted with a change/add/delete
#----------END POST AND GET RETRIEVALS--------------------
//establish db connection
if(!($success = mysql_connect($server,$userid ,$password))){
$errormes = "Error connecting to server on $server";
//select database
$errormes = "Error selecting to database on $server";
//table will be updated
$total = $_POST['total']; //total number of records being updated
$sql = "Select * from DB TABLE"; //get column names
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$num = mysql_num_fields($result);
for($x=0;$x<($num);$x++){ //get all column information
$fetchfield = mysql_fetch_field($result,$x);
$fieldtitle[$x] = $fetchfield->name;
$fieldprimary[$x] = $fetchfield->primary_key;
$fieldtype[$x] = $fetchfield->type;
for($x=0;$x<$total;$x++){ //loop through rows to modify
$set = "";
for($y=0;$y<count($fieldtitle);$y++){ //loop through
if($fieldprimary[$y]) {
} else {
if($fieldtype[$y] == "datetime") { //format date as format YYYY-MM-DD
$fieldname .= $fieldtitle[$y] . ",";
$dateformat = $_POST['year' . $x] . "-" . $_POST['month' . $x] . "-" . $_POST['day' . $x] . " 00:00:00";
$fieldvalue .= "'" . $dateformat . "',";
$set .= " $fieldtitle[$y] = '" . $dateformat . "', ";
} else {
$fieldname .= $fieldtitle[$y] . ",";
$fieldval = $_POST[$fieldtitle[$y] . $x];
$fieldvalue .= "'" . html_entity_decode(str_replace($escape,"''",$fieldval)) . "',";
$set .= " $fieldtitle[$y] = '" . html_entity_decode(magicconversion($fieldval)) . "',";
$set = substr($set,0,(strlen($set)-1));
$fieldname = substr($fieldname,0,(strlen($fieldname)-1));
$fieldvalue = substr($fieldvalue,0,(strlen($fieldvalue)-1));
if($action == "adding_confirmed") {
$sql = "INSERT INTO DB TABLE ($fieldname) VALUES ($fieldvalue)";
} else {
if($action == "deleting_confirmed"){
$sql = "DELETE FROM DB TABLE WHERE ID = " . $_POST['ID' . $x];
} else {
$sql = "UPDATE DB TABLE SET $set WHERE ID = " . $_POST['ID' . $x];
//for DEMO version
//echo "<div class=TOCHeader align=center>DEMO Version only - This will not modify table. The following SQL was generated:</div>";
//echo "<table class=demotable border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>$sql</td></tr></table>";
if($result = mysql_query($sql)){
$message = "Table updated successfully.";
} else {
$errormes = "Unable to update table.";
} // end for
} // end confirmation
$sql = "Select * from DB TABLE";
//get all records
$result = mysql_query($sql);
//get number of columns
$num = mysql_num_fields($result);
//get number of records, but set to 1 if just adding a record
$total = ($action == "adding") ? 1 : mysql_num_rows($result);
//retrieve field statistics
$fetchfield = mysql_fetch_field($result);
//find length of data field
$maxlength[$x] = mysql_field_len($result, $x);
//get column name
$fieldinfo[$x] = $fetchfield->name;
//get primary key
$primary[$x] = $fetchfield->primary_key;
//get type
$type[$x] = $fetchfield->type;
//set width for text boxes
$width[50] = ($row[0]>0) ? $row[0]:2;
//handle sortpicture and link
$arrow[$x+1] = ($direction == "DESC") ? "<img src='down.gif'>" : "<img src='up.gif'>";
$sortdirection[$x+1] = ($direction == "DESC") ? "ASC" : "DESC";
} else {
$arrow[$x+1] = "";
$sortdirection[$x+1] = "ASC";
//check if modifying rows - for Confirm Changes page
if((!($action=="adding_confirmed")) && (!($action=="initial")) && (!($action=="deleting_confirmed"))){
$z = 0;
//check for modified values - the hidden input 'rowmod + x' will be set to true for the changed row.
$rowmod = ($action == "adding") ? ($_POST['add_rowmod0']) : ($_POST['rowmod' . $x]);
if($rowmod == "true"){
//fill $modinfo variable with new row information to post. format = modinfo[rownumber][fieldname]
$add = ($action == "adding") ? "add_" : "";
for($y=0;$y<count($fieldinfo);$y++) {
if(strtoupper($fieldinfo[$y]) == "DATE"){
$modinfo[$z][$fieldinfo[$y]] = $_POST[$add . 'month' . $x] . "/" . $_POST[$add . 'day' . $x] . "/" . $_POST[$add . 'year' . $x];
} else {
$modifiedcolumn = $fieldinfo[$y] . $x;
$modinfo[$z][$fieldinfo[$y]] = str_replace($escape,"'",$_POST[$add . $modifiedcolumn]);
} // end posting
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
"[URL unfurl="true"]">[/URL]
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>PAGE TITLE</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<div align="center"><img src="header.gif">
if($message) {
echo "<div class=success align=center>$message</div>";
} elseif($errormes){
echo "<div class=error align=center>$errormes</div>";
//will display the 'Confirm Changes' page
if($modinfo) {
$title = ($action == "adding") ? "Confirm Record to Add" : (($action=="deleting") ? "Confirm Records to <font style=\"color:#FF0000\">Delete</font>" : "Confirm Changes");
$addingparameter = ($action == "adding") ? "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"mode\" name=\"mode\" value=\"adding_confirmed\">\n" : (($action=="deleting") ? "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"mode\" name=\"mode\" value=\"deleting_confirmed\">\n" : "");
for($x=0;$x<count($modinfo);$x++) {
<form id=update name=update method=post action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">
<input type="hidden" id="confirmation" name="confirmation" value="1">
<div class=boldheader align="center"><?=$title?></div>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="2" style="border-collapse:collapse" bordercolor="#666666" width="100%">
<table width=100% border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
// show the rows to delete/modify/add
//build the header row
} else {
//datetime fields are parsed out into "mm/dd/yyyy" format
echo "<td colspan=3 background='drop.gif' align=center class=rboldwhite>$fieldinfo[$x]</td>";
} else {
echo "<td background='drop.gif' align=center class=rboldwhite>$fieldinfo[$x]</td>";
//display the rows
for($x=0;$x<count($modinfo);$x++) {
$bgcolor = "#E5F4FF";
} else {
$bgcolor = "#C8E6FF";
echo "<tr bgcolor=$bgcolor>";
$value = ($modinfo[$x][$fieldinfo[$y]]) ? $modinfo[$x][$fieldinfo[$y]] : "";
//calls drawrow() with 1 for the confirm parameter which displays it as readonly
drawrow($primary[$y], $value, $width[$y], $maxlength[$y] , $type[$y],$x,$fieldinfo[$y],$bgcolor,$y,1);
echo "\n";
<div align="center">
<input type="hidden" id="total" name="total" value="<?=$x?>">
<input type="button" onClick="window.location.href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>'" value="Go Back">
<input type="submit" value="Commit Changes" style="font-weight:bold;color:#009900">
} else {
//not in an editing state, display the table initially
<form id=update name=update method=post action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">
<input type="hidden" id="mode" name="mode" value="modifying">
<font class="footer">Click on the column headers to sort</font>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="3" style="border-collapse:collapse" bordercolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td>
<Table width=100% border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan=<?=count($fieldinfo)+2?> bgcolor="#5b5b5b">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr>
<td width="20%"><input type="button" class="clbuttonbig" onClick="window.location.href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>#1'" value="Add New Record"></td>
<td width="60%" align="center"><input type="button" class="clbuttonbig" onClick="checkrow()" value="Make Changes" id="changestop" name= "changestop" disabled=true></td>
<td width="20%" align="right"><input type="button" class="clbuttonbig" onClick="deleterecords()" id="deleterecord" name="deleterecord" value="Delete Records" disabled=true></td>
//draws the header row of the edit table
} else {
//datetime fields are parsed out into "mm/dd/yyyy" format
echo "<td colspan=3 background='drop.gif' align=center class=rboldwhite><a style=\"color:#FFFFFF\" href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?order=" . ($x + 1) . "&direction=" . $sortdirection[$x] . "\"> " . $fieldinfo[$x] . "</a>" . $arrow[$x] . "</td>";
} else {
echo "<td background='drop.gif' align=center class=rboldwhite><a style=\"color:#FFFFFF\" href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?order=" . ($x + 1) . "&direction=" . $sortdirection[$x] . "\"> " . $fieldinfo[$x] . "</a>" . $arrow[$x] . "</td>";
echo "<td background='drop.gif' align=center class=rboldwhite>Delete<br>Record</td>";
//list out all the fields in the result set - THIS IS THE MAIN INITIAL READOUT OF ALL ROWS
while ($rowobj = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$bgcolor = "#CCCCCC";
} else {
$bgcolor = "#EEEEEE";
echo "<tr bgcolor=$bgcolor id=\"row" . $z . "\"><input type=hidden id=rowmod" . $z . " name=rowmod" . $z . " value=false>";
$colcount = 0;
$value = ($rowobj[$y]) ? $rowobj[$y] : "";
//echo "drawrow(".$primary[$y].",".$value.",".$width[$y].",".$maxlength[$y].",".$type[$y].",".$z.",".$fieldinfo[$y].",".$bgcolor.",".$y.",0)<br>";
drawrow($primary[$y], $value, $width[$y], $maxlength[$y] , $type[$y],$z,$fieldinfo[$y],$bgcolor,$y,0);
echo "<td align=center><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"delete$z\" name=\"delete$z\" onClick=\"deleterow($z,this,'$bgcolor')\"></td>";
echo "</tr>";
<? //only display bottom 'Make Changes' button if there are 30 or more records
if($z>29){ ?>
<br><div align="center"><input type="button" class="clbuttonbig" onClick="checkrow()" value="Make Changes" disabled="true" id="changesbottom" name="changesbottom"></div>
<? } ?>
<form id="add" name="add" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post" onSubmit="return datecheck('add_month0','add_day0','add_year0');">
<a name=#1></a>
<div class="boldheader" align="center">Add New Record</div>
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="3" style="border-collapse:collapse" bordercolor="#666666" width="100%">
<Table width=100% border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
//draws the header row of the ADD table
} else {
//datetime fields are parsed out into "mm/dd/yyyy" format
echo "<td colspan=3 background='drop.gif' align=center class=rboldwhite>" . $fieldinfo[$x] . "</td>";
} else {
echo "<td background='drop.gif' align=center class=rboldwhite>" . $fieldinfo[$x] . "</td>";
<tr style="background-color:#666666"><input type=hidden id="add_rowmod0" name="add_rowmod0" value=true>
//calls drawrow() with 2 for the mode parameter
drawrow($primary[$y], "", $width[$y], $maxlength[$y] , $type[$y],0,"add_" . $fieldinfo[$y],"",$y,2);
<div align="center">
<input name="addrecord" id="addrecord" type="submit" class="clbuttonbig" value="Add Record" disabled=true></div>
<input type=hidden name="mode" id="mode" value="adding">
<script language="javascript">
Javascript functions descriptions
checkrow() = checks for modified rows before posting form.
deleterecords() = checks for 'delete records' checks before posting form.
checkvalue() = handles modifications to rows and marks which columns/rows are being modified.
addrowcheck() = verifies that atleast one text field in the add new row (in addition to the datetime field) is populated.
datecheck() = makes sure date is valid.
deleterow() = marks off rows which will be deleted.
var modlist = new Array(<?=$z;?>);
var rowchange = new Array(<?=$z;?>);
var rowdelete = new Array(<?=$z;?>);
//prepopulates modlist, rochange, and rowdelete arrays with 0 values
for (i=0; i < <?=$z;?>; i++)
rowchange[i] = 0;
rowdelete[i] = 0;
modlist[i] = new Array(<?=count($fieldinfo) - 1?>);
for (j=0; j < <?=count($fieldinfo) - 1?>; j++)
modlist[i][j] = 0;
function checkrow(){ // checks rows to see if any have been modified before posting - called from Make Changes button
var modified = 0;
var dateproblems = "";
for (var x=0;x<rowchange.length;x++){
month = "month" + x;
day = "day" + x;
year = "year" + x;
dateproblems = "Please check all modified dates before attempting to make changes.";
} else {
obj = document.getElementById("rowmod" + x);
obj.value = true;
modified = 1;
if(modified && (!dateproblems)){
obj = document.getElementById('update');
} else {
} else {
alert("No records have been modified.");
function deleterecords(){ //checks rows to see if any have been checked before posting - called from Delete Records button
var delchecked = 0;
for(var x=0;x<rowdelete.length;x++){
obj = document.getElementById("rowmod" + x);
obj.value = true;
delchecked = 1;
if(delchecked) {
obj = document.getElementById('mode');
obj.value = "deleting";
obj = document.getElementById('update');
} else {
alert("No records have been checked.");
function checkvalue(defaultval, textval, row, originalcolor, column) { //checks if values in row are being modified or set back to default - called from any text box onKeyUp event
//checks value against default
if(!(defaultval == textval)){
obj = document.getElementById("row" + row); = "#00FF00";
//sets assigned row/column index to 1
modlist[row][column] = 1;
} else {
modlist[row][column] = 0;
stillnew = 0;
rowchange[row] = 0;
//runs through the columns in the row to see if any are still in a modifed state
rowchange[row] = 1;
stillnew = 1;
//if no columns have been modified (or text is edited back to its original state) backgroundcolor is reset
if(!stillnew) {
obj = document.getElementById("row" + row); = originalcolor;
editing = 0;
//check if any row is still being modified in the entire table
for (var x=0;x<rowchange.length;x++){
editing = 1;
obj = document.getElementById("changestop");
<?= ($z>29) ? "obj2 = document.getElementById(\"changesbottom\");" : ""; ?>
//undisable 'Make Changes' buttons is something is still modified
obj.disabled = false;
<?= ($z>29) ? "obj2.disabled = false;" : ""; ?>
} else {
obj.disabled = true;
<?= ($z>29) ? "obj2.disabled = true;" : ""; ?>
function addrowcheck(){ //checks all columns on the addrow section - at least one must be populated (including date) to add a row
$arrayval = "";
//builds a javasacript array of field names
$arrayval .= "\"add_month0\",\"add_day0\",\"add_year0\",";
} else {
$value = $fieldinfo[$x];
$arrayval .= "\"add_" . $value . "0\",";
$arrayval = substr($arrayval,0,strlen($arrayval)-1);
populate = 0;
fieldname = new Array(<?=$arrayval?>);
obj = document.getElementById(fieldname[x]);
if(obj.value.length > 0){
populate = 1;
obj = document.getElementById("addrecord");
obj.disabled = false;
} else {
obj.disabled = true;
function datecheck(month,day,year){ //checks for illegal dates
obj = document.getElementById(month);
if(obj.value > 12 || obj.value < 1 || obj.value == "") {
alert('Enter valid month.');
return false;
obj = document.getElementById(day);
if(obj.value > 31 || obj.value < 1 || obj.value == "") {
alert('Enter valid day.');
return false;
obj = document.getElementById(year);
if(obj.value > 2050 || obj.value < 1980 || obj.value == "") {
alert('Enter valid year.');
return false;
return true;
function deleterow(row,checkbox,originalcolor){
editing = 0;
obj = document.getElementById("row" + row);
if(checkbox.checked){ = "#D71919";
rowdelete[row] = 1;
} else { = originalcolor;
rowdelete[row] = 0;
for (var x=0;x<rowdelete.length;x++){
editing = 1;
obj = document.getElementById("deleterecord");
obj.disabled = false;
} else {
obj.disabled = true;
function drawrow($primary, $value, $width, $maxlength, $type,$count,$name,$originalcolor,$column,$mode){
$add = "";
//if this a confirmation page, disable editing
if($mode == 1) {
$edit = "readonly=true";
$background = "background-color:#eaeaea";
} elseif ($mode == 2) {
$add = "add_";
$edit = "";
$background = "";
} else {
$edit = "";
$background = "";
//handle double quotes to dispaly correctly in input fields
global $colcount;
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $value . "\" name=\"". $name . $count . "\">";
} else {
//draw row
if($type == "datetime"){
$m_num = (!($mode == 2)) ? date("m",strtotime($value)) : "";
$d_num = (!($mode == 2)) ? date("d", strtotime($value)): "";
$year = (!($mode == 2)) ? date("Y", strtotime($value)): "";
$action = "onkeyup=\"checkvalue('" . $m_num . "',this.value, " . $count . ",'" . $originalcolor . "'," . $colcount . ");\"";
} elseif ($mode==2){
$action = "onkeyup=\"addrowcheck();\"";
} else {
$action = "";
echo "<td><input $edit $action type=\"text\" style=\"font-family: Courier New; font-size: 8pt;$background \" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" name=\"" . $add . "month" . $count . "\" id=\"" . $add . "month" . $count . "\" value=\"" . $m_num . "\" ></td>";
$action = "onkeyup=\"checkvalue('" . $d_num . "',this.value, " . $count . ",'" . $originalcolor . "'," . $colcount . ");\"";
} elseif ($mode==2){
$action = "onkeyup=\"addrowcheck();\"";
} else {
$action = "";
echo "<td><input $edit $action type=\"text\" style=\"font-family: Courier New; font-size: 8pt;$background \" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" name=\"" . $add . "day" . $count . "\" id=\"" . $add . "day" . $count . "\" value=\"" . $d_num . "\" ></td>";
$action = "onkeyup=\"checkvalue('" . $year . "',this.value, " . $count . ",'" . $originalcolor . "'," . $colcount . ");\"";
} elseif ($mode==2){
$action = "onkeyup=\"addrowcheck();\"";
} else {
$action = "";
echo "<td><input $edit $action type=\"text\" style=\"font-family: Courier New; font-size: 8pt;$background \" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"4\" name=\"" . $add . "year" . $count . "\" id=\"" . $add . "year" . $count . "\" value=\"" . $year . "\" ></td>";
} else {
$action = "onkeyup=\"checkvalue('" . javascript_escape($value) . "',this.value, " . $count . ",'" . $originalcolor . "'," . $colcount . ")\"";
} elseif ($mode==2){
$action = "onkeyup=\"addrowcheck();\"";
} else {
$action = "";
echo "<td align=center style=normal><input $edit $action style=\"font-family: Courier New; font-size: 8pt;$background \" size=\"" . $width ."\" maxlength=\"" . $maxlength ."\" type=\"text\" name=\"" . $name . $count . "\" id=\"" . $name . $count . "\" value=\"" . single_display($value) . "\" ></td>\n";
echo "\n";
//functions to deal with escape characters
function javascript_escape($value) {
$value = str_replace("'","\'",$value);
$value = htmlentities($value);
return $value;
function single_display($value) {
$value = str_replace("\'","'",$value);
$value = str_replace('\"','"',$value);
$value = htmlentities($value);
return $value;
function magicconversion($value){
$value = ereg_replace('\\\"','"',$value);
$value = ereg_replace("\\\'","''",$value);
return $value;