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Object Expected error

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Mar 14, 2000
Visit site
New to JavaScript here - I copied some script from a site, and there is an error in it.&nbsp;&nbsp;Can someone please let me know what is wrong with this code?&nbsp;&nbsp;First error:&nbsp;&nbsp;Expected &quot;(&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;This occurs at the bolded line.&nbsp;&nbsp;Second Error:&nbsp;&nbsp;object expected&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This occurs at the red line, after I click the button.&nbsp;&nbsp;I do apologize for the newbie question, but have checked various sources on the net and haven't found any help. (If you can recommend any really good ones, it would be appreciated)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>Thanks for any help <br><br><br>&lt;SCRIPT&gt;<br>&lt;!--<br><b>var c=15</b><br>document.go.timer.value=&quot;15&quot;<br>function count()<br>{<br> if c = 0 <br> alert(&quot;Time is up&quot;)<br> window.location=&quot;saveanswers.asp&quot;<br> end if<br><br> document.go.timer.value=c<br><br> c=c-1<br> <br> setTimeout(&quot;count()&quot;,1000)<br>}<br><font color=red>//--&gt;</font><br>&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;<br> <br>&lt;form name=&quot;go&quot;&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;timer&quot; size=&quot;12&quot;&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot;Start&quot; <br>onClick=&quot;count()&quot;&gt;<br>&lt;/form&gt;<br>
It appears you need to learn a little more about syntax.&nbsp;&nbsp;You need to end each line with a semicolon and you need to use parenthesis around your if...then condition.&nbsp;&nbsp;The end_if is not a javascript statement. You also need to put the if..then statements to be executed within curly brackets {...}. Try modifying as such.<br><br>&lt;SCRIPT&gt;<br>&lt;!--<br>var c=15;<br>document.go.timer.value=15;<br>function count()<br>{<br>if (c = 0) <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{alert(&quot;Time is up&quot;);<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;window.location=&quot;saveanswers.asp&quot;;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br><br>document.go.timer.value=c;<br><br>c=c-1;<br><br>setTimeout(&quot;count()&quot;,1000);<br>}<br><br>//--&gt;&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;<br><br>&lt;form name=&quot;go&quot;&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;timer&quot; size=&quot;12&quot;&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot;Start&quot; <br>onClick=&quot;count()&quot;&gt;<br>&lt;/form&gt;<br><br><br>This SHOULD work unless I missed something trivial.<br><br>Russ
thanks Russ - I changed as you suggested, but am still getting errors<br><br>On the line that is bolded - I get &quot;Invalid Character&quot;<br>And, where it starts &lt;form name=&quot;go&quot;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;when I click, gives me error&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;Object expected&quot;<br><br>This is how I have it on my page:<br><br>&lt;SCRIPT&gt;<br>&lt;!--<br>var c=15;<br>document.go.timer.value=15;<br>function count()<br>{<br><b>if (c = 0) </b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;alert(&quot;Time is up&quot;);<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;window.location=&quot;saveanswers.asp&quot;;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br>document.go.timer.value=c;<br>c=c-1;<br>setTimeout(&quot;count()&quot;,1000);<br>}<br>//--&gt;<br>&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;<br><br>&lt;form name=&quot;go&quot;&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;timer&quot; size=&quot;12&quot;&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot;Start&quot; <br>onClick=&quot;count()&quot;&gt;<br>&lt;/form&gt;<br>
your script is using the wrong operator to test equality.<br>= is an assignment operator<br><br>if (c = 0)<br><br>should be<br><br>if (c == 0) <p>nick bulka<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
thanks Nick - I changed that.&nbsp;&nbsp;But, I still get errors.&nbsp;&nbsp;Line 209 Invalid Character, Line 220 Object Expected ..&nbsp;&nbsp;but I only have 200 lines on the page&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;????
do you include files in your page ?? this would explain the number of lines ;)
no, I didn't include files - starting to feel like I am in the twilight zone here!  Maybe there is someone who might like to check my whole html page?  Perhaps there is something in there that I just can't see.  If anyone is interested, you can email me at <A HREF="mailto:allyeric@sympatico.ca">allyeric@sympatico.ca</A>, or post your email here and I will send it to you.<br><br>Thanks
I'll take a look.&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="mailto:nick@bulka.com">nick@bulka.com</A> <p>nick bulka<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
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