I have a file of functions I want to object-compile, rather than use to build an executable. I would like to do this so that the .obj file that results can be used in the compilation of other executables. I am compiling my program (using the VC++ 6.0 command-line compile facility, vs. the IDE) as:
but this results in:
I take it by "entry point" the compiler means a "main" routine - but what if I don't need/want to provide a main routine for this group of functions? And, why is it referencing "out:hello_world.exe" if all I'm building is a obj file?
Am I totally of the mark here? Perhaps creating an "object file" isn't what I need to be doing in this case?
(I'm doing this with VC++ 6.0 on NT)
Thanks for any help -
dora c
I have a file of functions I want to object-compile, rather than use to build an executable. I would like to do this so that the .obj file that results can be used in the compilation of other executables. I am compiling my program (using the VC++ 6.0 command-line compile facility, vs. the IDE) as:
/EHsc -I"c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include" hello_world.cpp /Fo
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 7.00.9466
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined
Am I totally of the mark here? Perhaps creating an "object file" isn't what I need to be doing in this case?
(I'm doing this with VC++ 6.0 on NT)
Thanks for any help -
dora c