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NW6 Novell Client32 Port

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Apr 29, 2003
Hi Guys,

I need help.

I have a Inventory System here, but it works only in our Private network. I need to put a global IP on this server so that my boss in Canada can access the server. but before this I would like to put a border manager infront of this server. I would like to know what port does Novell Client32 is using so that I could specify it in Border manager cause I want to block all port except for the client32. do you think this is the right configuration? to block all ports except for the port that client32 is using?

I'm also open to other suggestions. Thanks a bunch.

Network and Systems Engineer
ITS, Philippines
Hi there.
Since this is the NetWare 6 forum, I"ll assume that you have it in your network.

I'd recommend using the NetWare 6 web services. With them, your boss should be able to access anything he/she needs to:
NetStorage/NetDrive for file access
iFolder for offline synchronization of files
iPrint for off-site printing

If you boss is a technical person who manages the network, he/she can use:
iManager to do management of Licensing, DNS/DHCP, etc
Remote Manager for management of servers

The web services of NetWare 6 are very compelling and work really well once they're set up. If you need any help getting them to work, you can see my How-to in the FAQ section of this forum.

Good luck

Consultant / Network Engineer
In my zeal, I forgot to mention your inventory program.

Typically, these programs will reside on a NetWare server & are accessed via a drive mapping.

In that scenario, using NetDrive, you can connect to the server securely with the same drive letter that is normally used. You should then be able to run the program.

Note: Obviously, any connection over the Internet will probably be slower than your Local Area Network. Therefore, your boss needs to be aware that the application may be painfully slow no matter how he/she connects to it remotely.

Consultant / Network Engineer
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the reply. Sorry I forgot to mention about my Inventory System. My Inventory System is an Old DOS Program running FoxBase. And yes I'm using Netware6 server. My firewall is Allied Telesyn Router. does there any specific port that Novell Client32 is using?

thanks guys :)

Network and Systems Engineer
ITS, Philippines
To directly answer your question; NCP on IP is port 524

!!!DO NOT USE THIS!!! Do NOT open port 524 on your firewall, VERY VERY BAD IDEA. Your data will not be secure on the wire unless you have implemented packet encryption at some level.

Some other solutions that would no compromise security:

Will this program have the executables on the local hard drive and the data on the server?

Then look into VPN technology. This will keep the data secure. Nortel has a pretty good VPN server, so does Cisco. You can also look into Novell's BorderManager if you want to manage the VPN through NDS.

Or will the executable be on the server along with the data?

If this is the case, you want to use pcAnyware in the single user or short term; then move to Terminal services or Citrix in the volume users / long term.

pcAnyware will be your cheepest solution, security is not very tight, but there is some. Terminal services has licensing issues, but works. Citrix is much more secure and much faster than Terminal services.

But hands down, VPN will be the most secure.

If you already thought about these options and managment turned them down due to cost, ask them how important their data is to them. Only takes a board high school or collage student to poke at your network and find that unknown security flaw in NetWare. And summer vacation is comming, three of thost most busy month dealiing with firewall attacks and haveing high school / collage kids Internet accounts disabled.

Brent Schmidt CNE,Network + [atom]

Hi Provogeek,

Thanks man, I think I go VPN.

My Inventory System still in my private network. do I need to Put Global IP on it? or the Global IP should be in my Border Manager server? Do my boss need a Novell Client32 to be able to login to the server?

By the way, my inventory server has a batch file which runs the inventory application. this inventory apps is very very old. yes it runs on Servers Hard disk.

Thanks a bunch man =)

Network and Systems Engineer
ITS, Philippines
This is all routing. You will take the subnet on one network and route the the other network thorugh the VPN subnet. To gain access to the server files can be acomplished one of two ways. You can use client 32 or you can use NFAP that is a new feature in NetWare 6.

Since the application runs from the server, the person you set this up for will be better off using pcAnyware or any other remote control program (VNC for example). Still use the VPN for security, but use the remote control for sanity. If you setup the VPN link and get the routing setup correct, your boss will go nuts at how slow the application runs. Using a remote control program like pcAnyware will have the app actually run on a local workstation, he just see's screeen shots.

A more seamless solution would be to use Terminal Services or Citrix. You can set these up so the user does not actually get a remote desktop, but only runs the program and only sees the program and as far as they can tell, they are running it locally.

Brent Schmidt CNE,Network + [atom]

Hi Provogeek.

Thanks a lot =) I really appreciated it. will do all your suggestions ;)

Network and Systems Engineer
ITS, Philippines
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