I am missing something (probably simple)
We have a customer that was initially set up before I joined my company, they are doing something odd with MAS and Nupoint. We have standard voicemail mailboxes set up for them on the MAS server that are copying to email, no problem there. I can see those mailboxes in the users area of MAS. They also have fax mailboxes set up on the MAS server, those we cannot see in the MAS interface (and I cannot get Nupoint web console to open) we have been building those fax boxes through the command line interface, the boxes are there, we can see that they are receiving faxes, but the customer is expecting these to go to email as well, and I have been unable to determine how to link the fax mailbox with an email account. The mailboxes that are working are showing odd status in the CLI for the FAX RETRIEVAL ACCESS TYPE: -92 (the number changes on each of them) but I can only set that field to 0 or U. So I am thinking that there must be someplace else that I need to go to set that.
I am wondering where I would set up the translation from fax to email or how I would link the fax box to one of the standard mailboxes so that it used the same email as the voicemail box. Would that be something that I would need to do in the Nupoint web console?
The older boxes are working, the new ones that I have set up are not working, and I know that I am missing a step, but I really don’t know where to go to find what I am missing.
MAS 1.2
We have a customer that was initially set up before I joined my company, they are doing something odd with MAS and Nupoint. We have standard voicemail mailboxes set up for them on the MAS server that are copying to email, no problem there. I can see those mailboxes in the users area of MAS. They also have fax mailboxes set up on the MAS server, those we cannot see in the MAS interface (and I cannot get Nupoint web console to open) we have been building those fax boxes through the command line interface, the boxes are there, we can see that they are receiving faxes, but the customer is expecting these to go to email as well, and I have been unable to determine how to link the fax mailbox with an email account. The mailboxes that are working are showing odd status in the CLI for the FAX RETRIEVAL ACCESS TYPE: -92 (the number changes on each of them) but I can only set that field to 0 or U. So I am thinking that there must be someplace else that I need to go to set that.
I am wondering where I would set up the translation from fax to email or how I would link the fax box to one of the standard mailboxes so that it used the same email as the voicemail box. Would that be something that I would need to do in the Nupoint web console?
The older boxes are working, the new ones that I have set up are not working, and I know that I am missing a step, but I really don’t know where to go to find what I am missing.
MAS 1.2