How can I get number of rows, which were updated (or inserted) by a statement? You might get a better insight into my problem, when you have a look on the following statement:
update MYTAB
where KEY = 'SOME KEY'
returning count(*) into Cnt;
This statement does not work... :-(
I need to know the count, because I have another table with totals of records in each state. The problem is, that there are several processes running in parallel and they can read results of updates done by other processes.
Help please!
update MYTAB
where KEY = 'SOME KEY'
returning count(*) into Cnt;
This statement does not work... :-(
I need to know the count, because I have another table with totals of records in each state. The problem is, that there are several processes running in parallel and they can read results of updates done by other processes.
Help please!