We've had an exchange problem here, in that my D:\ drive, where I keep the Exchange databases is running out of disk space. It filled completely yesterday, and I've got it going agin by keeping transaction logs on a USB hard drive hanging out of the back of the Exchange box, which is a terrifying arrangement, and it frightens the life out of me.
I've got another server which I think will probably become a new Exchange server. It can only hold 4 hard drives, so I'd be looking at RAID5, with all the partitions on these 4 drives. I know it's not ideal, and I'd really prefer to have 6 drives (mirrored C: drive, RAID5 D: drive), but I don't think they'll buy me a new server, so this is what I've got.
Has anyone got any experience of running this type of setup? Was performance acceptable, or should I avoid this? I've got a private information store of 200GB, and public information store of 2GB.
Many thanks in advance,
I've got another server which I think will probably become a new Exchange server. It can only hold 4 hard drives, so I'd be looking at RAID5, with all the partitions on these 4 drives. I know it's not ideal, and I'd really prefer to have 6 drives (mirrored C: drive, RAID5 D: drive), but I don't think they'll buy me a new server, so this is what I've got.
Has anyone got any experience of running this type of setup? Was performance acceptable, or should I avoid this? I've got a private information store of 200GB, and public information store of 2GB.
Many thanks in advance,