I have several monetary fields in an access table. They are formated as a double - currency - 2 decimal places.
My problem is when I perform calculations with these fields it is really calculating with however many decimal places the number might have - although in my table I only see 2 spaces. This confuses many people because if I am multipling two columns to create another column - people who want to double check this value are only using the two decimal points they see and it does not match the value in the new column.
How can I set the number format to only display 2 decimal spaces and ONLY use the 2 decimal spaces to calculate? In other words it should round up to the 100th decimal space.
My problem is when I perform calculations with these fields it is really calculating with however many decimal places the number might have - although in my table I only see 2 spaces. This confuses many people because if I am multipling two columns to create another column - people who want to double check this value are only using the two decimal points they see and it does not match the value in the new column.
How can I set the number format to only display 2 decimal spaces and ONLY use the 2 decimal spaces to calculate? In other words it should round up to the 100th decimal space.