I am relatively new at designing data-bases having been assigned the task by my boss. I've looked through the FAQ's and have performed a keyword search but didn't find any viable results.
On a form, I have five fields. These fields are bound to an underlying table. These fields, in the table, are formatted as:
"Long Integer"
"Two" (2) decimal places.
A 6th field, entitled, "GrandTotal" is formated in the same manner.
My problem is that when a decimal entry is made it does not appear as such in either the form or the table. The formula works, however the result is rounded, either up or down as each condition warrants.
I know that storage of calculated fields, in a table, is not good Access procedure, but this is the way that the boss wants it done.
As the old saying goes, "The boss isn't always right, isn't always wrong, but he/she/it is always the boss."
I am relatively new at designing data-bases having been assigned the task by my boss. I've looked through the FAQ's and have performed a keyword search but didn't find any viable results.
On a form, I have five fields. These fields are bound to an underlying table. These fields, in the table, are formatted as:
"Long Integer"
"Two" (2) decimal places.
A 6th field, entitled, "GrandTotal" is formated in the same manner.
My problem is that when a decimal entry is made it does not appear as such in either the form or the table. The formula works, however the result is rounded, either up or down as each condition warrants.
I know that storage of calculated fields, in a table, is not good Access procedure, but this is the way that the boss wants it done.
As the old saying goes, "The boss isn't always right, isn't always wrong, but he/she/it is always the boss."