I post my question here because i don't find any forum to post it.
I've installed ntop 3.3 on a RedHat EL4.
It works find but suddenly i was not abble to acces ntop web page.
My browser is on the same subnet as the redhat box.
netstat tells me the tcp port is open :
Ethereal shows me that i receive and icmp type 3 code 3 "Port Unreacheable" .
From another windows box on the same subnet i can't reach ntop page.
But from a windows box on another subnet i do can reach the ntop page.
I'm not sure it is an ntop probleme.
Perhaps RedHat have a kind of firewall wich forbid the connection when there is to many traffic ?
(but perhaps it is really an ntop problem..
( )
Marco ,
Thanks in advanced (and sorry for my so poor english)
I post my question here because i don't find any forum to post it.
I've installed ntop 3.3 on a RedHat EL4.
It works find but suddenly i was not abble to acces ntop web page.
My browser is on the same subnet as the redhat box.
netstat tells me the tcp port is open :
tcp 0 0 :::3000 :::* LISTEN
Ethereal shows me that i receive and icmp type 3 code 3 "Port Unreacheable" .
From another windows box on the same subnet i can't reach ntop page.
But from a windows box on another subnet i do can reach the ntop page.
I'm not sure it is an ntop probleme.
Perhaps RedHat have a kind of firewall wich forbid the connection when there is to many traffic ?
(but perhaps it is really an ntop problem..
Marco ,
Thanks in advanced (and sorry for my so poor english)