How do I write an NT batch file for multiple IPs in different subnets? For example, I'm looking to ping everything with the 10.100.0.X, 1.X, and 5.X network and have the results in a text file? Is this possible? If so, how do I do it?
@echo off
:: You could put set outPutFile=%1 to accept an argument sent to the batch file
set outPutFile=c:\output.txt
set thirdOctetCount=0
set fourthOctetCount=0
set fourthOctetCount=0
echo Now Pinging 192.168.%thirdOctetCount%.%fourthOctetCount%
ping 192.168.%thirdOctetCount%.%fourthOctetCount% -n 1 >> %outPutFile%
set /a fourthOctetCount=%fourthOctetCount%+1
if %fourthOctetCount%==256 goto EndFourthOctet
goto FourthOctet
set /a thirdOctetCount=%thirdOctetCount%+1
if %thirdOctetCount%==256 goto EndThirdOctet
goto ThirdOctet
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