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nslookup problems 2

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Technical User
Apr 26, 2003
Hello All,
I have been having problems sending email out with my exchange 2003 server. All email is stopping in the queue. I have checked out my Exchane server and everything seems fine. I then moved on to my DNS server. When I try to use NSlookup I get the following:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>nslookup
*** Default servers are not available
Default Server: UnKnown


I tried to use NetDiag to fix the problem but it errors out with something about DNSAPI.dll can not be located.
Anyone have any suggestion as to what I can try to fix this?
Just to clarify...

From the loopback address in your post you are obviously performing the "nslookup" from the DNS server - can u ping the machine from another node on your network?

Also try "nslookup <serverip>" from another machine to check that this is the correct DNS for the domain.

Is this a primary and auth for it's zone?
Yes I can ping the DNS server without any problems. This is a Domain Controller , DNS and Exchange server all in one. When I try nslookup from another node within the network I get

C:\Documents and Settings\jay.KELLYVILLE>nslookup
*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
*** Default servers are not available
Server: UnKnown

*** UnKnown can't find Non-existent domain

C:\Documents and Settings\jay.KELLYVILLE>ping

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Any thoughts?
On the DNS server it's self try performing both a simple and a recursive query - at least then we can see if the problem is lying with the DNS server.

Is there just the one dns srv on your network? If not, does pointing clients at another suceed?

Looks to me as if it is to do with the DNS config - seeing as TCP/IP is correctly installed and u can use nslookup and ping.
the domain controller is windows 2000 or 2003. If it's 2003 you may the answer here for dnsapi error.Otherwise, do you have other exchnage 2003 server ? If yes do you have the problem on all of them.
If you have a switched network configure the speed/mode on the port and on the network card.
Do you have notice some errors using the command netstat -s ?
I treid to follow your link but it appears you have to pay for the membership to see the full post. I dop not have any other Echange server on the network. This is a all in one server that has been running for months with no problems. I also ran netstat -s with no errors. here is the output from netstat -s

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netstat -s

IPv4 Statistics

Packets Received = 1416660
Received Header Errors = 0
Received Address Errors = 11
Datagrams Forwarded = 0
Unknown Protocols Received = 0
Received Packets Discarded = 0
Received Packets Delivered = 1416660
Output Requests = 2018869
Routing Discards = 0
Discarded Output Packets = 0
Output Packet No Route = 0
Reassembly Required = 0
Reassembly Successful = 0
Reassembly Failures = 0
Datagrams Successfully Fragmented = 0
Datagrams Failing Fragmentation = 0
Fragments Created = 0

ICMPv4 Statistics

Received Sent
Messages 60832 60830
Errors 0 0
Destination Unreachable 8 8
Time Exceeded 0 0
Parameter Problems 0 0
Source Quenches 0 0
Redirects 0 0
Echos 30480 30341
Echo Replies 30344 30480
Timestamps 0 0
Timestamp Replies 0 0
Address Masks 0 0
Address Mask Replies 0 0

TCP Statistics for IPv4

Active Opens = 5977
Passive Opens = 5946
Failed Connection Attempts = 497
Reset Connections = 84
Current Connections = 101
Segments Received = 1338996
Segments Sent = 1943815
Segments Retransmitted = 1183

UDP Statistics for IPv4

Datagrams Received = 16824
No Ports = 30368
Receive Errors = 0
Datagrams Sent = 13695

Thanks for your help guys. Im really stuck on this one.
How long has this been going on? Have you checked for error messages in the dns logs? If this just started, what has changed?

Glen A. Johnson
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Man, I had the EXACT same problem, and everyone suggested the exact same things here that never did resolve my issue (no offense to anyone). But I DID however figure it out on my DC and all DC after that since...

Before doing anything else, I would try these steps...

**NOTE: DO THESE STEPS AT YOUR OWN RISK, I cannot be held liable for anything happening per these suggestions.

I am guessing in this situation since DNS was installed and initiated you have always had the same "nslookup" response issue (not resolving), BUT DNS seems to be working fine... if this fits your category, then try these steps...

Go into your DNS in Active Directory, right click on your SERVER (the one directly under DNS) and go to properties, make sure that under the "INTERFACES" tab that your server IP address is listed as the ONLY IP listed in the "Listen On" under "Only the following IP Addresses"... if not ADD IT!

Under the Forward Lookup Zone you should see your domain listed, click on it. In the right pane MAKE SURE you have a pointer record for your server (should be a text box in the right pane named your server) If you don't see it, create one by right clicking in the right pane and choose "new host". Add the pointer to your server by its own IP Address.

Now, RIGHT click on the folder underneath the forward lookup zone with your Domain name and choose properties. Under here click on the "START OF AUTHORITY" Tab. Under the Priamry Server box, click on "Browse"... find your server and navigate down to that pointer record I mentioned in the SECOND step and choose it as your "primary server".

NOW, go to the NAME SERVERS tab in the same box and make sure that your server is listed with a domain address (ex. "server.domain.local") and that it is pointing to the server's IP. If NOT then make sure you add it! and MAKE SURE it looks like the example above and not something like "server.local", it MUST be "server.domain.local" <-- remember that I am using this as an example, yours would be your server name, your domain name, etc...

If this is the root server in your domain make sure there is NO MORE entries under your Forward Lookup Zone... a common one is the "." root. If this is here and you dont need it, delete it... this will then recognize your server as the primary for DNS.

FIFTH (part 2)
Make sure a reverse lookup zone is created as well, that is a common mistake too. If there is not one, CREATE IT!

Now, Go to a DOS promopt and type this in on the SERVER

ipconfig /flushdns

then do this

ipconfig /registerdns

Then do a nslookup and see what you get!! If it works, your golden, if not, then go with someone elses suggestions.

Try all of this and see if it works, it worked for me (many times over)... PLEASE let me know if it did or did not work as I need to write this up somewhere for newbies (like myself) who have troubles getting DNS to give a correct "nslookup" reply on the clients and the server with initial installation. Once this is done, you should not have any other errors in your event viewer either registering to DNS (make sure to verify it though).

Make sure on the clients you do the the SIXTH step for them as well... and then try nslookup.


Thanks alot for your help guys. Looks like the problem was something very simple I overlooked. When I was going though the suggestions OverDrive gave me I noticed the nslookup was returning as the DNS server. When I checked my network configurations for my nic card I noticed there was no ip address for a DNS server. After I added my servers ip and flushed and registered the DNS everything started working agian. Man I feel like a real dumbas*. I just now need to figured out why my Exchange server has mail from other domains in the queue.

Thanks Again everyone
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