The .ldb file (sharing/locking) file that MS Access creates when a user logs into the databse is not allowing sharing. I flag it Shareable but the minute a second user goes in the flag changes to read only again. I get no specific error other than utiliztion shoots up to 75 %. I disconnect the user and have to run vrepair to get back to a good starting point.
All of the users have rights to the directory. Just out of frustration I made everyone a trustee with ADMIN equivalency. I still get the problem. The company that wrote the database has no answers.
I can set it up peer to peer no problem on a workstation but that presents it's own problems with having too many hands in the mix.
All of the users have rights to the directory. Just out of frustration I made everyone a trustee with ADMIN equivalency. I still get the problem. The company that wrote the database has no answers.
I can set it up peer to peer no problem on a workstation but that presents it's own problems with having too many hands in the mix.