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Novell 5.0 through Citrix Server

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Jan 25, 2000
I am setting up a Citrix Server and need to have clients access info on a Novell 5.0 Server how do I have there drive mappings work through the citrix application server.

Jeff [sig][/sig]
First, you install Gateway Service for Netware on your NT Terminal Server. Then you map the gateway to the various Netware directories that you want to share with your users. [sig][/sig]
Be aware of some issues:
1. Change the registry of your TSE to avoid drive mappings to invade the local machine mappings: (use REGEDT32)
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server and add the following value as a REG_SZ: InitialNetWareDrive. The value will be the drive letter you want to be the first Netware drive mapping (eg F or whatever). Choose the first letter of your login script.
2. The gateway service does not understand NDS formation. For that reason you will need to add bindery emulation for each context you want to login to the TSE. Use the Netware console to assign it. Make yourself sure that when you add a server in the gateway field (User manager for domain/config) you have the user's context defined as bindery in the Netware server.
3. If you have more then one Metaframe server, remember that the information about tree and context for each user will be stored in the HKLM set. That means that, if you have load balanced services the user will, eventually, be required to enter the same information as many times as the number or servers you have. But only the first time they login to that server.
If you install the Novell client on the Citrix Server you can do NDS authentications. If the user specifies their tree and context the first time they log on using either the Novell client or the Microsoft Client for NetWare they can run their normal login script and get their mapped drives. [sig][/sig]
That takes care of file services - what about print? What if you want to use Groupwise 5.5?
I too am authenticating via Novell 5 on my Citrix Server (Metaframe 1.8 SP2). I have several Novell drives being mapped, some on one NW server and some on another. For some reason lately the drives on one of the NW servers are not mapping when logging in through Citrix (ICA Client). It used to work good. Changes....installed Client 4.8 (SP3) for NT4...that's it! As the day progresses the mappings suddenly appear again.

Is there anyone who may know how to approach this, GSNW not an option for me.

Thank you
One good source of info on NW-Citrix integration is the netware support knowledgebase.
Just point to And do a search on "Terminal server" or Citrix or Metaframe.

There are some articles on dissapearing drivemappings and so forth.

If you use Netware goodies like ZenWorks (NAL), NDS4NT GroupWise etc. they all *do* work but sometimes need some tweaking to work properly, but then again that is true for many applications on Terminal Server.

I'd advise not to use Gateway services for Netware if you need just a little bit more than a plain bindery connection.
Do install the Netware client, it will work.

If you expect login problems (people having to logon twice; once for NT and once for Netware) then there are possibilities for using AutoAdminLogin in which you can use NT credentials to log into Netware or vice-versa.
(tip: do a Knowledbase search on TSClientAutoAdminLogon. Second tip: register to get hold of GinaCFG.exe)

Loek Gijben
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