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Nothing comes on screen . . . but why?

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Dec 26, 2004
Hi, I'm trying to put together a PC for the first time, and have put together the following components:

* ADM Combo-Z motherboard
* Standard 512MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM

* Ide CD-rom, floppy disk drvie, hard disk

* GeForce 2 MX AGP graphics card

When i turn on the system, the fans all turn on and thehard disk drive and CD drive make sounds, but nothing comes on the monitor (which is plugged into the AGP graphics card) so I can't even see the bios.

What can i do? is the AGP card not compatable in some way?

Help appreciated,

One thing is to check through the manual to ensure it can handle the memory. I tried to look at the manual, but cannot download the PDF file through my firewall at work.

Look on the specifications page for detailed settings on what your motherboard can and cannot handle. What you want to look for in particular is if the motherboard can handle PC2100 and above memory. If it can, flip to the page about the memory slots and find out which slots are set for dual channel.

If you are using just one stick of 512MB memory, you will want to make sure that it's not resting in a dual channel slot.

Other than that, make sure all devices are snug firmly in their slots, such as the video card and the memory mainly. If you are still having issues refer to this handy FAQ or let us know what we can do to help...

Handy FAQ

I'm trying to use an AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 64bit Socket 754 CPU

Thanks Enkrypted, here's what I've tried now:

* I've checked in the mother board manual, and it does definately support PC2100 memory and i have definately installed the memory securley and into the right slot. (it is a single chip but its not a dual memory chip)

* The AGP graphics card is definately put in right.

* The monitor is in fully working order with none of the pins bent.

* Dissconecting the IDE devices dosen't help

* I've also tried diconecting the wires from the front panel as the handy FAQs suggest and restrted it with a paperclip ... still nothing on the monitor.

Could it be something to do with the fact my graphics card is AGP 4X but the motherboard is an AGP 8X slot?

Any more suggestions ... I'm getting a bit desperate!

- Ed
Try taking the components out of the case and see if the system will boot up. Just use the mobo, cpu, video card, memory and power supply. Leave everything else off the board. Make sure you rest the motherboard either on the static bag in came in or on some other type of non-static conductive material. From there you can test the main parts of the system such as CPU, Video card or memory for failure.

Some mobo's ship with the CMOS reset jumper in the wrong position. Follow the manual to reset. Can you try a different video card? AGP or PCI doesn't matter, just to check monitor. Are there any "beeps" from the onboard speaker? If so, what?
Thanks micker377 for the advice! CMOS jumper is in the right position though, and its definately not the monitor thats not working. When I turn it on, the onboardspeaker just makes one short quite beep straight away, apart from when i turn it on with no memory in, when it beeps loudly three times in a cycle. Thats the only thing i've been able to get out of it soo far though!

I don't know if the memory, the motherboard, the CPU, or the graphics card has broken, and have no way of testing any of them. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong still . . . which is it most likely to be?

suggestions still appreciated: what should I try next?

- Ed
If the video card wasn't plugged all the way in, you would get "beep beep beep" repeatedly. If that's what you are getting, try a different card. AGP cards sometimes "snap" in like memory does, make sure it is all the way in. If it was the monitor cable, you would get a message on the screen to "check cable". Have you tried a different monitor? What type of monitor is it (CRT, LCD, etc.)? Are the monitor power lights on? Usually, you have a "power" light, and another lite that changes color when video is detected. Do the fans keep running while you are checking for problems?
The graphics card might be a dud. Are you able to test it in another machine? According to the link you posted the motherboard supports AGP 4x and 8x so the card should be compatible.

A single short beep means "everything is OK" so if that's what you get when you turn it on with everything connected, the motherboard is not detecting any faults.

Thanks again micker377: I know the monitor is working fine cos i can check it on my old PC. When I plug it in, it says "no signal", then goes orange until i unplug both the data cable and the power cable. Yes the fans keep running while I'm checking for problems.

Nelviticus: thanks for your advice. I do get a short, quite beep when i turn it on, but i do also with no grahics card in at all! so i'm going to try using a cheap PCI card next.
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