1. What's the server release (i.e Release 3.x, 4.x, 5.x or 6.x)
2. What's the user's client release.
3. Where does the database reside that the user is attempting to open (I'm assuming the db in located on the server - but I'm sure you understand about making assumptions)
Without knowing anything else from your post, I'm going to assume the db being opened is a later release db which is stored on an earlier release server being accessed (or attempting to being accessed) by an earlier release client. Suggest looking at your Domino Admin Help db for 'Database Format' for more info or searching going into the Release 4&5 or Release 6 forums and searching for 'ODS' at
I suspected this and I do know better. It's a no-no to load newer clients before upgrading the server. I'll just tell the user that there is a carbon interface issue.
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