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Not Ready Code use per skillset 1

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Technical User
Aug 20, 2003
After struggling with this for a while, and believing it to be impossible with the data tables as they are, I was wondering whether anyone had come up with a solution?

Is there any way I can work out the amount of time a specific not ready/activity code has been used on calls for a specific skillset?

My previous investigation into this just results in my belief that activity code use is an agent level stat which cannot be split by application or skillset.

Reason I'm asking is that we use a not ready code for wrap, and I need to supply wrap by helpdesk/skillset, which is currently impossible.

Hopefully not a stupid question...
Damn...can't edit.

I do mean not ready codes rather than activity codes. Even now I know what the answer is gonna be, but I had to ask anyway...

How is wrap dealt with in your company?

If the agent has more than one skillset assigned to them, how can Symposium say which skillset to assign the Not Ready time against ?

I am quite new to Symposium & have a similar issue. Is there not a wrap facility in the switch? If using not ready as wrap up, how does this count to AHT?

Also, we do not yet report on Not Ready codes, so this means there are agents are using not ready for wrap up only & logging out for unpaid breaks.

I could do with some pointers!


Wow - Old thread!

In the time between posting my first question and now - coming up on two years - I learnt a fair bit, and this may help you out.

As far as I can see, the nearest thing Symposium has to an agent wrap state is something called post call processing time, which can be found in the agentbyskillset and agentbyapplication data tables.

Unfortunately, I've not found it to be any help at all, due to the way it's measured. Effectively, when an agent finishes a call and hits not ready, PCP time starts, and they have to hit not ready again to stop PCP time being logged/go back into available. However, what the agents do within the taps on the not ready key can really screw up your stats - I've had people sign themselves into a "training" not ready code and end up with PCP time of many hours...Not good when your AHT is a client KPI. You can't trust your agents to do what you want them to do to make post call processing time give the numbers you want, and so it's next to useless.

What we do now, is to use a not ready code to show wrap. Admittedly, we've had to create criteria lists of agents to be able to split wrap by department/desk occasionally (usually just making sure that each desk has there own range of login IDs does the job), but as far as I can see, there's no real way around this.

If you are using not ready for wrap, then you must be capturing time that is not actually wrap time, and therefore inflating your Average Handle Time a bit. Saying that, maybe you just have better, more intelligent agents than me, who follow instructions and don't cock up?:)

Jaded? Moi?
Thanks DelatCL for your comments about wrap. This will become an issue for my customer. Wonder if you or anyone else has found a cure for the fact that Symposium doesn't offer fashing indicators (DCW) on phones. My customer is not happy his agents don't have this capability on their phones. My installer has purposed a flat screen TV; a moving "ticker tape" type thing to hang on the wall; both propositions being costly. Any ideas? Thanks.
DCW applies to the ACD programming in the PBX, which is being overridden by Symposium; that's the reason for that. However, you can implement Symposium Web Client (you got the software with your Symposium, but will need another server unless it was originally installed cores with Symposium 5.0 on Windows 2003 server. Anyway, then you can use Agent Desktop Display.
Sandy,thanks for the reply. Am I understanding you to say that I can put Agent Desktop Display on each one of the agents desktop P.C.'s? And if that is correct, what about the "visual". The agents have to use their desktops to go into several different applications, depending on the call they are handling. But the supervisor still wants a way for his agents to know that there are calls out there. Can Agent Desktop Display be up, running, but minimized down to a small window running along the bottom of each desktops' screen? Thanks.
I really should have asked first, what release of Symposium do you have? But assuming you have the current release of Symposium Web Client (4.5 -- included w/Rls. 5.0 and later versions of 4.2), then yes. Each agent would see real time stats for the skillsets that s/he is a member of. The server does take some setting up (not like the old Symon freeware), and your network must be able to handle multicast.
Why don't you create different Not Ready reason codes for each skillset. It isn't pretty but should work!
Is there any licensing for the Agent desktop display? What information does it display?

Coolicepbx - You are spot on with regards to your idea about different NR codes for each skillset not being pretty.

I can understand that it might work in a small enterprise, but on our site we have 11 standard NR codes, and currently 34 running skillsets. I don't fancy having to deal with data for 374 NR codes, and thats just the ones that the agents haven't made up!:)

We use Nr codes by skillset by applying a code for every skillset we have our agents in..

An agent when going into wrap after call has to use the code we have predefined in order to allocate the wrap time to it..If they do not code it (default nr time) or use a dummy code we call it uncoded NR and factor this out across all the skillsets which does work out in our over all reports..

We also filter out any activity codes ect ..

This does work very well as we also show in our reports % of uncoded nr against coded nr ..

However we are now connecting via ODBC via an access dB and when i pull the view of the not ready reason codes table there is no difference between an Activity code, wrap code or Nr reason code.. E.g it is dependent on what state the agents phone is in when the input the code...this view does not show this and i am having a headache trying to find out how to tell the difference by linking other tables...... does anyone have any suggestions..


The comment made above about using Post Call Processing time I think was the closest thing you can get. Here is the breakdown from the Data Dictionary on how it works. This in is the AgentBySkillsetStat section explains it as Not Ready time that immediately follows a Skillset call.

Description: The total time an agent spends performing post-call processing.
Normally an agent uses this time to complete any work related to the call just
released, such as filling in forms or filing papers.
Triggers: Post-call processing time begins when an agent presses the Not Ready
key after completing a Symposium Call Center Server call and ends when the
agent presses the Not Ready key again.

Thus it tries to peg Not Ready time after a Skillset call as associated to a call in that skillset.

It also lists a field called "Skillset Work Time" which is listed as part of the stanard Agent by Skillset Performance report.

Skillset Work Time = TalkTime + PostCallProcessingTime
Quote by Tontas:

"However we are now connecting via ODBC via an access dB and when i pull the view of the not ready reason codes table there is no difference between an Activity code, wrap code or Nr reason code.. E.g it is dependent on what state the agents phone is in when the input the code...this view does not show this and i am having a headache trying to find out how to tell the difference by linking other tables...... does anyone have any suggestions.."

Unfortunately there is no way to distinguish Activity Codes and Not Ready Codes when looking at the activity code data tables. Not even by linking the data to other data tables. It's like a developer at Nortel actually sat down and thought about how to make activity code data as much of a pain in the **** to incorporate into the rest of the data architecture as possible.

I think the only way you could do this is by introducing two ranges of activity codes, for example, 1-10 are activity codes, 11-20 are not ready codes. It unfortunately relies on your agents entering the correct codes, but then doesn't it always. Obviously, this may not be feasible if you have many activity codes already.

Fortunately, we don't use 'activity codes' on our site. The only time our agents should be using a code is when they are in not ready. If the idiots try using activity codes, then their total time in activity codes exceeds their not ready time, and we slap them. Hard. In the face...

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