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Not installable ISAM

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Aug 13, 2000
Does anyone know how to connect VB application with Access database. I did everything: declared connections, set the new connections, wrote the With...End With code for the connection, but it was not possible to do connection. Message appears that "Cannot find installable ISAM". I even tried with converting my Access 2000 database into the previous one, but it wouldn't work either.
If you post up the code you have wrote so far to access the database, I will take a look at it - can't promise any answers though

John B [sig][/sig]
Hey, did anyone ever figure out what the problem was? I am having the same problem. I am using VB6 SP4 and Office 2000 pro. Workis fine on my system, but thats it. When I point to the DB (projlist.recordsource="d:\filecv\cw.mdb") and refresh (projlist.refresh) I get the 3170 error. PLEASE HELP :) I am facing a deadline and think I'm stuck. Thanks in advance!

Hi everybody, i had a similar problem and this is what i had observed so far.

This information stands to be corrected as i cannot claim it to be correct :

To connect a vb application to a database, it can be done in the following ways they say :
i) DSN-less connection
ii)connection using a DSN

i) dim db as database
set db=opendatabase"..."

--This is with DAO and unfortunately ACCESS-2000 doesnt support DAO (not sure)
--Another way is to use ADOs which MS recommends now.

DSN less - supplying the physical path of the database (i suppose)
I might have used to work with DSN less connections without knowing it at all.

ii) I had used DSN to connect to my ACCESS Database and i had used ADOs.
For a connection to ACCESS-2000, we need a provider and i had used the default one(cant remember the name now) and now it works fine for me.

I had also observed that you get a much irritating message "Unrecognised Database Format" when you try using a database which has been converted from an earlier version of access. or even if it contains a table imported which is in earlier version.
I myself have got some doubts which i need to clarify but at present i am trying for myself and any information regarding this is welcome at gantibabu@yahoo.com.

Using ADOs i had solved this problem. but before that i had converted my database to previous version of ACCESS and the problem stands still.

one last observation : No problems if a new database is created from scratch in ACCESS-2000 and using ADOs. Hope someone can give us a solid solution.

I can share more of my experience depending on the correspondence.
The purpose of this post is met if it can match someone experience and someone who hasnt any experience finds it helpful.
With regards...vijay
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