I have taken up quite a complex query for my standards. It is retuning NULL in the filed WorkingDaysL1.
On the results it is also showing
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
(121 rows affected)
which I don't understand either.
I have enclosed the SQL which I know may not mean much without knowing the data sets it all comes from. Any ideas where the code may be wrong though and where and how to change it.
I have taken up quite a complex query for my standards. It is retuning NULL in the filed WorkingDaysL1.
On the results it is also showing
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
(121 rows affected)
which I don't understand either.
I have enclosed the SQL which I know may not mean much without knowing the data sets it all comes from. Any ideas where the code may be wrong though and where and how to change it.
SELECT pr.ProductCode, pr.Description, pso.StockLevelMin, pso.StockLevelMax, st.stockavailable, SUM(PA.QuantityUsed) AS QTYUsed,
pr.udfTopTier AS TOPTIER, ws.ScheduleNumber AS SchedNum, m3wo.m3 AS M3_WO, pa.ProductID,
(SELECT DATEDIFF(dd, bd.start_previous_month, lid.InvoiceDate) + - DATEDIFF(wk, bd.start_previous_month, lid.InvoiceDate) * 2 -
CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, bd.start_previous_month) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END -
CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, lid.InvoiceDate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END -
FROM dbo.[148-Holiday] AS hol
WHERE hol.HolidayDate >= bd.start_previous_month AND hol.HolidayDate < lid.InvoiceDate) AS WorkingDaysL1)
AS WorkingDaysL1, pa.BranchID
FROM dbo.ProductAnalysis AS pa INNER JOIN
dbo. Product AS pr ON pa.ProductID = pr.ProductID INNER JOIN
dbo.ProductGroup AS pg ON pr.ProductGroupID = pg.ProductGroupID INNER JOIN
dbo.[148-vwQuantityUsedCheck_Usage_MDF3] AS qucu ON pa.ProductID = qucu.ProductID INNER JOIN
dbo.productStockOption AS pso ON pso.productid = pr.productid INNER JOIN
dbo.Stock AS st ON st.ProductID = PSO.ProductID AND st.BranchID = pa.BranchID LEFT OUTER JOIN
[148-vwOnWOSchedule] AS ws ON ws.ProductID = pa.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN
[148-vwOnWorksOrder] AS m3wo ON m3wo.ProductID = pa.ProductID CROSS JOIN
dbo.LastInvoiceDate AS lid OUTER apply
(SELECT DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, GETDATE()) - 0, 0) AS start_previous_month) AS bd
WHERE pa.CalendarYear * 10000 + pa.CalendarMonth * 100 BETWEEN datepart(year, DATEADD(month, - 2,
GETDATE())) * 10000 + datepart(MONTH, DATEADD(month, - 2, GETDATE()))
* 100 /* get previous month - result could be previous year*/
AND datepart(year, getdate()) * 10000 + datepart(month, getdate()) * 100
GROUP BY pa.BranchID, pa.ProductID, bd.start_previous_month, pg.Level1ID, lid.InvoiceDate, CASE WHEN qucu.[m3 Used] = 0
THEN 0.0001 ELSE qucu.[m3 Used] END, pr.ProductCode, pr.Description, pso.StockLevelMin,
pso.StockLevelMax, st.stockavailable, pr.udfTopTier, m3wo.m3, ws.ScheduleNumber
HAVING pa.BranchID IN (1, 9) AND pg.Level1ID = 893 AND pr.ProductCode LIKE 'am%' AND (Pso.stocklevelmin > 0) AND (PSO.StockLevelMax > 0)