When I use this code I do not get an error, but it doesn't appear that the MakeName is the tnm table. I really need to get the MakeName somewhere into the tnm table either in it's own column or replace the MakeAbbr if the tnm.MakeAbbr = Makes.MakeAbbr.
Hopefully I've this is clear to understand and I greatly appreciate anyhelp.
Dim strSQL As String
Dim tnm As String
'Get the table name
tnm = [Forms]![Form1]!Text0.Value
strSQL = "UPDATE " & tnm & " AS A INNER JOIN Makes AS B ON A.MakeAbbr=B.MakeAbbr SET A.MakeAbbr = B.MakeName"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Hopefully I've this is clear to understand and I greatly appreciate anyhelp.
Dim strSQL As String
Dim tnm As String
'Get the table name
tnm = [Forms]![Form1]!Text0.Value
strSQL = "UPDATE " & tnm & " AS A INNER JOIN Makes AS B ON A.MakeAbbr=B.MakeAbbr SET A.MakeAbbr = B.MakeName"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL