I've spent a pile of hours messing around with the programming and trying to tie a VOIP gateway between a BCM1000 with VOIP trunking and a CICS 7.1.
Three problems
1. In calling into the CICS, with the trunks set to autoanswer (with or without DISA) all calls go to the prime set?
2. When calling from the CICS through the VOIP gateway into the BCM there is a delay before the digits seem to leave the gateway and get fired at the BCM?
3. I'm also not sure of how to define the digit tables in the VOIP Gateway as I would think that the BCM should send back a busy signal on invalid extensions and not have to screen all those out at the gateway? Invalid extensions just hang in silence?
Anyone with some quick setup sheets showing how the settings should be done for the gateway to give a quick processing?
Any info or guidance would be appreciated.
Three problems
1. In calling into the CICS, with the trunks set to autoanswer (with or without DISA) all calls go to the prime set?
2. When calling from the CICS through the VOIP gateway into the BCM there is a delay before the digits seem to leave the gateway and get fired at the BCM?
3. I'm also not sure of how to define the digit tables in the VOIP Gateway as I would think that the BCM should send back a busy signal on invalid extensions and not have to screen all those out at the gateway? Invalid extensions just hang in silence?
Anyone with some quick setup sheets showing how the settings should be done for the gateway to give a quick processing?
Any info or guidance would be appreciated.