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Nortel VPN + Windows XP

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Jul 9, 2002
Have you heard of any issues installing the nortell VPN client on windows XP? I have been trying to install it for the past few days and each time I install, I get a WIndow that pops up and says 'The Operation Completed Successfully' and when I close that window I get another one with the same message, yet when I close that one. I get one that says Installation of the driver failed. And when I go and check if it has installed any files. I do not see any.

Any thoughts would be helpful
I am having same exact problem. Have been racking my brain to come up with fix. Help!!!

Do you have AOL installed?

I've been working with the tech support people at my school and they have no idea what it is, so I'm trying to do a little reseach myself.

Maybe we can work together to solve this problem.
I am troubleshooting this for a customer of mine, so I do not know what exactly is on computer. I do not believe AOL is on machine.
I'm trying to install 4.15, but I get driver errors during the install. It says my Nortel drivers are not set up right in my registry. Anynone know how to reinstall the Nortel drivers ??
You will need to have the latest VPN client from Nortel, v4.65_09 in order for it to operate in XP.

If you're setup with Nortel with an Active Support Contract, you can download it from the website. If not, you'll have to contact them directly. 800-4Nortel


I had exactly the same problem. It didn't matter how many times I tried to reinstall the VPN, it says driver installation failed. So what I did was, I reinstalled the XP, (reinstalling does preserve the old configuration with all other application you have), it took 45 minutes and tried reinstalling the VPN software and works fine. It thought I wasted 2 days in trying to fix the problem through workarounds but finally the reinstall of the OS helped solve this issue in 45 minutes
The problem I am having with the Nortel VPN is after the installation. My installed fine, and I was able to connect to my companies intranet. But, I am not able to see any servers or map to any network drives. I am using XP Professional.
Upon NEAR completion of installing the VPN on my WinXP Pro laptop, I got errors ranging from 'this software does not work on this version of WIndows' to registry errors.

I'll try the latest version, but frankly, I'm not holding my breath.

Had great success under WinNT4
bthomson, did you upgrade to XP, or did you do a fresh install? We've seen problems after doing upgrades, but fresh installs tend to work.
To clear up a issue that someone stated above, yes the 4.15 client does work with windows XP, we have to use it for folks running WinPoet. But the registry error is a good one and if anyone figures it out, I but them a cookie!
4.15 works, but with dns/wins issues, as the people in have been haveing. 4.65.18has been put out, and it seems to take care of it. It is xp certified so far too.
Here's a doc for fixing the reg error. worked with Nortel to come up with it.
Sorry for length - trimmed it as much as possible.

Error : "Failed to get registry key value for NT_IPSECSHM: System\CurrentControlSet\ENUM\ROOT\NT_IPSECSHM\0000\Driver. Click OK to continue."

The next screen will read: "The extranet access client IPSEC adapter installation has failed due to an inconsistency in the registry.



Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System - CurrentControlSet - ENUM - ROOT - NT_IPSECSHM

Select the Key "0000" below NT_IPSECSHM, and you will be presented with all the details concerning the IPSEC adapter.

Check the details pane at the right. You will notice the absence of the entry "Driver : REG_SZ : {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0008

This line is essential to link the driver to the adapter. With the "0000" highlighted in the left pane, choose EDIT - Add Value. Enter "Driver" as the value name, and make sure that REG_SZ is the data type. Choose OK to proceed.

Highlight the "Driver : REG_SZ : " in the right pane, choose EDIT - STRING from the menu. Enter the value: {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0008 in the field for "value". Click OK to proceed.

Since all registry changes are made real-time, you do not have to reboot. Close the registry editor.

Re-run the Extranet setup file. The procedure will run through it's course and all files, drivers, and icons will be installed.

Reboot, you will be able to continue setting up the client
Actually we are not seeing any issues as far as 4.15 and xp, all of our users that are using earthlink and verizon, we have them install 4.15 because 4.6 is not compatible with WinPoet (a pppoe connection manager) and if 4.6 and winpoet is installed, well say bye bye to your pc untill you clean off any trace of winpoet and nortel.

As far as the fix about the registry, awsome! that one had me stumped for a bit, but now that I know where the second half is located, it is easy as pie now. Here is to further explain the fix (or add onto it):

There is two keys involved here: the first key is located at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System - CurrentControlSet - Class - {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - 0001 to 0014 depending on your configuration. Check this key first, click in each of the 0001, 0002....0014, and look for the key that lists the "Nortel IPSECSHM Adaptor" under DriveDesc in the preview pane, now write down what folder this is, I have seen it under 0006, 0007, 0008, 0014.

Now go to the other key:
now when you enter the key as stated by zarafu,
"Highlight the "Driver : REG_SZ : " in the right pane, choose EDIT - STRING from the menu. Enter the value: {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0008 in the field for "value". Click OK to proceed." where 0008 is listed, make sure that you list the folder in which you found the ipsecshm in.
Again thanks Zarafu for the fix, I have searched for a week on this, I have tested it on several machines now and the fix works wonderfully.
Hi All,

I am having the same problem installing the Nortel VPN client v4.15. I added the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System - CurrentControlSet - ENUM - ROOT - NT_IPSECSHM as suggested above. Now, the installation gives the following error messages:

"Failed to update registry key value for NT_IPSECSHM:



I have been told by Nortel that version 4_65.14 fixes many WinXP issues and they are currently on 4_65.18. I installed this at home, XP Pro and have no problems.
I tried version to install version 4.65d on XP pro, however, it gives a more generic message "Installation of Contivity Driver failed".

I would like to avoid having to reinstall XP. I am not sure what to do next. It seems something is missing from the registry. Looking into the System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ key, I found other keys there that had the above mentioned parameters.

I exported the key, changed it {756B2EDF-E8AC-4F1F-A034-EA16B6C27A23} and imported it back into the registry. It still gives the same errors. Any help would be appreciated!!
Yes I am getting the exact message that mmogar has detailed.
W.r.t mmogar's reply, I cannot find nt_ipsecshm under currentcontrolset.
Now what?
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